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Glue ear / grommets

My son turned 3 in July. Has had glue ear (fluid in the middle ear) in one or both ears since quite possibly his early toddler time. As it was intermittnet and not chronic we did not pick it up until early May when we started to get a little concerned that he wasn't speaking as well as his elder brother did at the same stage. He has been having speech therapy since May. We have been advised by our ENT to have grommets inserted, this is a procedure that would require our son to go under general anaesthetic. Does anyone have any experience of this with their child, were there any side effects and did it help?Any advice appreciated.

Re: Glue ear / grommets

I have not personally had any experience with this but, I know someone that had a son and he had the procedure done. He said that it made a world of difference and you couldn't even tell. As far as I know he didn't have any side effects from it. I hope that helps you, sorry I don't know any more about it though. Good Luck to you