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Sons behaviour at school

My son is 5 years old and started school last year in reception, his behaviour is not what the school wants. he hits other children - they also hit, does not listen or pay attention and will not do his work. at home he is different, loving and like all 5 year olds can be demanding.

Re: Sons behaviour at school

Has your son been to a playgroup before?
does he really hate going?
The best thing to do is make an appointment with his teacher, and go along (with a notepad and pen, to take notes) and discuss the matter with them, in a calm adult way.
It's very scary when entering into this kind of environment, so it may be just that.
Let us know.

Re: Re: Sons behaviour at school


I have also almost the same kind of problem, my son is 3 year old. He is going to a play school and he enjoys going to school. These days I am noticing my son is getting angry for even small thing. Iam a bit worried about his behaviour. We are preparing him for nursery admission in a proper school. I am actually worried how will he behave in the school.

Can you please advice me what can I do to help him bring down his temper. For your information me and my husband are also quite short tempered. But I always try to control my temper to an extend. Please help me.



Re: Sons behaviour at school

Dear Elaine,

I have a similar problem with my 5 year old son - the biting boy. He has improved in the last 2 weeks though we have had one more biting incident. We adopted the adult approach - sat him down and expressed how disappointed we were with him. We talked about why hurting others in not godd, etc and WHAT TO DO WHEN ANGRY. It's early days, however it is yielding some results. You need to remember however that it could be the effects of a new setting. My son's teachers reassured us that there are others in the class with similar problems. It could be a 'settling' in thing - hope this helps. Oh nearly forgot - we also withdrew all his toys, and cut off other priviledges. We haven't given him back the toys and he understands that he must stop 'hurting' other children before he gets any back. I find it hard work reminding him everyday/night of our expectations, but I must say so far so good. Hope this helps. I still dread going to pick him up......good luck