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FAO: Beth Christnacht

I have read three posts by you on these boards, and you come across as being very opinionated, overly confident that your way is the only way to do things and extremely rude.

Just because someone has a child in childcare does not mean that they are not a parent.('Biting' by Jessica). You are not aware of anyone's personal circumstances and why do you feel it is your right to judge who should be using these boards?

Your post regarding car seats (by Lisa) is also extremely ignorant. You have no knowledge of the reason that she is having to make the car journey. Sometimes long journeys are essential but there are ways to handle them in a way to cause minimum upset to an infant.

Your post regarding eating is very revealing as to the type of parent you are. Your way of teaching your child about research findings doesn't exactly sound like fun for a child. Involving a child through teaching by example, talking about healthy food, buying healthy food with them and getting them to help prepare it to make the whole food issue about enjoyment and fun is a far better approach.

Just in case you're wondering, I have 3 children aged 12 (twins) and a 10 year old who are very happy, well-adjusted and intelligent. They read your posts, and thought you were rude and sounded like a 'nightmare Mum' (their words, not mine)I also happen to be a Paediatrician with more than a passing interest in child psychology.

If you can't say something constructive, or point out things tactfully keep your offensive and narrow-minded opinions to yourself.

Re: FAO: Beth Christnacht

Couldn't agree more. She needs to get a few good parenting books so she can learn the basics about parenting as she is obviously pretty clueless. Scary there are people around like that raising children *sigh*

Re: FAO: Beth Christnacht

I have to agree with you both as well, she seems quite an incredibly rude, arrogant person who holds a very high opinion of herself.

If in fact she is such an expert on every matter going, one has to wonder why she is frequenting this message board (aside from to wind everyone up of course)!

Re: FAO: Beth Christnacht

Totally agree-if you must have these extremist views keep them to yourself and dont foist them on people who just want some help! Your way is not the only way thank god! So keep the vitriolic remarks to yourself unless you have something truly constructive to say.

Re: FAO: Beth Christnacht

I completely agree, judging by your reply to Tantrums you seem to think that giving your child attention 24/7 will stop this - of cause it will but what kind of person are you letting them grow into? it seems to me that you have nothing better to do than patronise people with real issues by acting as though you are head and shoulders above the rest of us when it would appear you have the problem maybe bordem?

it would be nice to hear what you opinions are about these posts?!

Re: FAO: Beth Christnacht

Just like all of you, I totally agree. Who on earth does this woman think she is?? These boards are for gentle and friendly advice that makes people feel that the pressure has been eased a bit - not to make us feel as though we're being repremanded by a strict school mistress. Hopefully, she'll get the hint after all these complaints.

Re: FAO: Beth Christnacht

I agree with the people who have responded already. The world has too many people who are unpleasant and aggressive in it. Manners cost nothing. This board is meant, from what I can see, for people to offer helpful advice - not to spout extremely unpleasant comments and bizarre ideas.


Re: FAO: Beth Christnacht

It's all been said - if you can't put your point of view forward in a more pleasant manner, it would be wise to refrain from posting.


Re: FAO: Beth Christnacht

Couldn't agree more. If you can't be helpful and constructive, as opposed to being judgemental and very rude and nasty, best not to bother to reply. I wouldn't find comments like yours helpful or enlightening in any way whatsoever!!


Re: FAO: Beth Christnacht

As the only man to respond, I agree with all the ladies who have done so far.


Re: FAO: Beth Christnacht

Have to agree with other responses to Diana's post. It's all been mentioned already - she's just not on the same planet as the rest of us!!


Re: FAO: Beth Christnacht

Oohh - talk about anally retentive!! Beth, you seriously need to take a long hard look at yourself,read some sensible books about parenting, and chill out!! If you don't I can almost guarantee any children you have will have major, MAJOR problems!!


Re: FAO: Beth Christnacht

It must be great to be perfect like you and have all the answers, eh, Beth? Grow up !!
