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Hi I am a grandmother of a wonderfull fairly well behaved 3 year old.. the trouble is at at all meal times she throws a tantrum and will not eat a decent meal... I no her mother is having the same problem but tends to give in and then feed her junk food.. Her diet is appalling. The only thing i can get her to eat when she comes to stay is a peanut butter sandwhich...for lunch and supper and a apple.. Surely she cant survive on this alone....should i be worried. any advice will help

Re: eating

Kids won't let themselves starve!!

I have three aged 7, 5 and 3 and they all went through fussy phases but eat pretty healthily now. If I know they really don't like something, I don't push it - I don't eat things I don't like, so they shouldn't be expected to. They get the odd trip to the dreaded McD's, but maybe only once every 6 or 7 weeks - and I've got the unusual advantage that none of mine like chips!!

If her Mum gives in all the time, the little one has already learned how to win at mealtimes.

It sounds silly, but if you can manage it might be worth taking her to the shops to buy healthy food, and let her 'help' to prepare it with you? I know she's only 3, but even just helping to wash some veggies and put them on her plate .... raw carrot sticks,cucumber, or tomatoes.You could also try fresh fruit or some different types of cheese. Sometimes if little ones are involved with what happens before the plate appears in front of them it can help.

Good luck - hang on in there!!


Re: eating

I agree with the other reply. I have an 8 year old who has always been finicky about what he eats. I took him to Carl's Jr. and got him interested in chicken stars to get him started on chicken nuggets because he didnt even want a happy meal. He already did not eat burgers. I have failed so many times at meal times and was finally encouraged by my pediatrician to let him eat the same ole thing if that was what he wanted as long as it was not junk food all the time. I tolerated alot of mac and cheese. I sang the I got the blues song many times to get him started on that. He saw that other kids ate it so he did too. He is picky, always has been but has turned out to be a 8 year old healthy, not fat but solid as a rock little boy. I am glad I took advice and did not fight that battle, because there are so many others that come up that have to be fought. She'll be just fine.....

Re: eating

I am a healthy 26 year old woman. This may sound hard to believe but from age 18 months to about age 4 I lived on peanut butter toast for breakfast and peanut butter sandwiches for lunch and dinner. I also drank milk with it but that was it and that is no exaggeration. My mother thought I was going to be malnourished or suffer vitamin deficiencies from this inadequate diet. But I turned out okay. I'm not saying your grandchild's diet is good, but don't fret. My parents and grandparents tried making me sit at the table until I ate a meal. It didn't work. I'd sit for an hour or two without taking a bite. All I can remember is having a phobia of real foods especially green vegetables. Finally, my mom bribed me by saying she would buy me a bicycle if I'd eat a piece of meat. It worked! I'm not saying this is the answer. Now I love all foods even spinach! Thankfully, my daughter is a very good eater, but when I want her to eat a green vegetable or something I tell her that Barney eats these and that's how he became so strong and smart! She instantly eats it then, b/c Barney is her idol. The other thing I would suggest is DO NOT give junk food. Only offer real food even if all she eats is a peanut butter sandwich. My parents would never even keep junk food in the house, so we had no choice. But I lived on peanut butter for about 3 or 4 years. It is popular
story in my family. Also you may want to give Flinstones vitamins. Good luck!