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Re: when child through tantrum, how we deal

The best thing to do is ignore the tantrum and don't give your child any attention at all. Put your child in her/his room shut the door and don't let her/him out till he/she finishes and ignore it. Don't give in to bad behaviour. Never smack. When the tantrum finishes tell your child we don't behave that way and why in a calm manner. Never reward a tantrum.

Always praise the good behaviour sometimes we can forget to do this. Your child will probably grow out of this soon, my son is 6 and still very occasionally throws a tantrum. Good luck I know how annoying this behaviour is.

Re: when child through tantrum, how we deal

I think the first responce is right, every child tantrums does this mean nobody gives their child enough love and attention? my daughter throws a wobbler if she doesn't get any sweets when we go to the shop! i thought i needed to give my daughter more attention to make her stop throwing a tantrum but it made her worse. i dont even have to say anything but 'bedroom' and she puts her head down and stops straight away, once they learn all they get is sent away with no attention they soon grow out of it.

I'm sure you give you child enough love, it's just a stage they all go through.
