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Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: 5 year old daughter - problems at school.


I wonder if she is just bored and does this to amuse herself. I really think schools sometimes overreact to things like this, it could very well be she doesn't respond well to the teaching style but it always seems to be the child at fault never the teacher. A competent teacher should be able to manage this sort of behaviour in my humble opinion.

You are right it is not the worst behaviour and it might just be a lack of maturity. See the pyschologist but I am not sure if it will make a lot of difference, he/she might be able to give you some tips however or put your mind at rest. She still has some settling in to do so give her more time. Nagging her at home is probably not going to do much.

If things don't improve and she is going to be labeled I would think about another school which is more supportive.

Re: 5 year old daughter - problems at school.

I have to say that I think the school is being a little heavy handed. They are only young children and every child is different.

My daughter has a boy in her class (Year 1) who is so naughty and spiteful, yet nothing seems to be done about it.

My son has just started in reception class and he has no concentration span whatsoever and he drives me mad with all his silly noises all day long and the fact that most of the time he seems to be away with the fairies. I explained this to school on the first day and they said all children were like that and he would just settle down in class when he was ready.

I think you should remind yyour school of the fact that your daughter is a normal active 5 year old, who is not being naughty or spiteful to other children and that you feel they are being a bit too the top with the way in which they are dealing with it.