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Re: 5 yr old son fights all the time

Have you tried looking at his diet? it may sound daft but there could be an additive in certain foods that he's eating. If sticker charts and such like have failed and talking to him is difficult this could be what is making him more aggressive. Speak to your health visitor or GP for more info.

Re: 5 yr old son fights all the time

I agree about the additives. the other alternative is Omega 3 Fish Oils. They have a calming effect and make behaviour a lot more manageable. They are also good for the brain development. If you look on the internet there have been some really good reviews on them as well.

My godson has been on them for 6 months now and the change in his behaiour is amazing - he is like a different child.

Good luck!

Re: Re: 5 yr old son fights all the time

If you want info about food additives and diet this is a great site

Re: 5 yr old son fights all the time

I am curious how you do timeouts. Timeouts are most effective if a child is placed in the timeout without anger or emotion and with as few words as possible. Instead use empathy with emphatic statements such as “Oh, this is so sad.” Place the child in timeout and do not moralize, preach or lecture to the child. Say nothing more than your emphatic statement. Let the child spend time in time out to think about what he did to get in time out, instead of the emotion and words of anger, moralizing, preaching and lectures. Children are smart and know what is O.K. behavior and not O.K. behavior. Let the child scream and fuss and when the fussing stops start the timing of his time out. 1 minute per year of age. This lets the child process the consequence (not punishment) when he is not in an emotional state of mind. When the child is released from timeout, do so face to face then give the child an unconditional loving hug. Avoid talking about the incident. Rehashing the incident sends the message to the child that you don’t think he is smart enough to figure it out on his own. Children feed of the emotions around them. By not being emotional and preachy when the child is placed in time out the child can’t get the emotional high triggered by his fight or flight response to your reactions. Your empathic words make the infraction the bad guy and you the child’s allies.

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I really need help!!!!
My 5 year old son just will not stop fighting. He constantly kicks, punches and knees all the children that he plays with. He tells me that he's only play fighting but some of the children in his class are starting to complain about it.
He used to play on a wresling game on his PS2 and we thought that it was stemming from this, but he had the game taken off of him over 6 months ago and he still continues to fight.
He will not play nicely with his 21 month old sister, as he keeps on knocking her to the floor and pretends to shoot her, she is now starting to copy his behavier and I'm worried that if he carries on doing this, she is going to do the same to our 6 month old when all 3 of them are older.
We constantly try time outs, sticker charts and good behavier rewards, but after a few weeks of doing each of them things just return to how it was. I'm at my whits end and just don't know what to do next( other than call for Supernanny!) can anyone help me with some advice on how I can stop him fighting before it's too late.