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5 yr old girl behavior

My daughter turned 5 in March and started school this year. Her teacher sent a note home today saying that her pin was moved from green to yellow because she can not keep her hands to herself.
Teacher wrote:
Liz is haveing a hard time keeping her hands off of boys. She is always grabbing a boys hand or putting their hands around her wist. I have spoken to her about deeping her hands to herself. Please talk to her at home as well.
This behavior from a 5 yr old worries me very much. It seems that she is always touching little boys or wanting attention from them. Her father and I are not together and hasn't been since she was 18 months old. He is very active in her life. I just don't understand. She knows what she is doing is inapproaite. Please help!

Re: 5 yr old girl behavior

I think just some people are more touchy feely than others. You should talk to her about keeping her hands to her self as it annoys other people and she wouldn't like someone doing the same thing etc. Probably not much more you can do than that.

Honestly I am sure she will grow out of it quickly. I do really think that sometimes teachers overreact to these things where it is not warranted.