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Purpose: to find out the percentage of the salt and the sand. Also, to have an idea of the filtiration process.

-Filter paper
-Watch glass
-retort stand
-ring clamp
-stirring rod
-clay triangle
-electric balance (scale #4)
-mixture of salt and sand
-wash bottle

1. The lab was set up as shown in the diagram
2. Watch glass, filter paper, and the mixture (sand+salt) were meassured each separetely on the electric balance.
3. The mixture was poured into a beaker and water was added by using the wash bottle and then stirred.
4. After it was stirred, it was filtered into another beaker through the funnel
5. The filter paper with the wet sand was placed on teh watch glass and measured
6. It was then placed into an evapourating oven so that the water will evapourate leaving the sand
7. After the evapouration, the tottal mass of the watch glass, filter paper, and the sand was measured and calculated to get e percentage of each, the sand and salt.