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behavior problem? wet and soiled pants

Help!!!!! My fiance has a 6 1/2 year old son who still wets and soils his pants. We went out last night for dinner and had a short trip home. When we got home he was soaked and went and sat down like nothing was wrong. 2 weekends ago we were on our way back home from Tennessee and stopped to eat to find that he had pooped his pants and had done it before we even left Tennessee. We ask him all the time if he has to go to the bathroom and he usually says NO like we are crazy. He gets all kinds of attention when he is with us and his dad totally adores him. We also get his ex-wifes 2 other kids every other weekend and they don't seem to have any issues like this. His mom is remarried and he has 2 step brothers. There are 5 kids in the house and none of them have the same 2 parents. On weekends they all go different directions. The only reason I am mentioning all of that is I wonder if its lack of attention or to much excitement. He is a very active and happy kid. We have talked and talked and grounded and he just says I don't know why i do it. I have suggested that we seek professional help or that we keep him full time so we can have more one on one. I figure then we can pay more attention if its a emotional issue or medical issue. We are getting married in Dec and all the kids seem excited about it and we have included them in the wedding. I am very careful not to leave anyone out. My other concern is that we get all 3 of the kids and he doesn't get any 1 on 1 with his dad. I have never heard of a normal healthy child acting like this. It is starting to cause a stain on our relationship because I am getting fed up with the behavior and I notice that i tend to spend more time with the 2 older kids so I don't have to deal with him. HElP

Re: behavior problem? wet and soiled pants

Dear Missy,
I read your post.
I also sent you a mail.
You are mostly welcomed to enter our site
There is a lot of information there on bed wetting and day wetting.

You can fill a free preliminary diagnosis questionnaire on the link below:

Regarding the soiling problem.
If you fill a questionnaire, please write about the soiling issue there and we will get back to you.

If you have any more questions please dont hesitate contacting me.
Best regards,
Dr. Baruch Kushnir

Re: behavior problem? wet and soiled pants

Hello Missy,

My son had a similar problem for quite a few years. At first we put it down to his age and that maybe he was late with developing toilet training as he soiled himself daily. When he started school we knew we had to do something more and took him to our doctors who referred him to our local Childrens Hospital. He was seen by a Consultant and it was determined that there was a proper medical problem in that his bowel was always constantly full and never fully empited and the pressure of this would cause him to soil himself even without him at first realising and there was nothing he could to stop this. I would suggest that you do get your little one checked out by a doctor in case it is a medical problem and he really cant control himself. Our son was taken into hospital for the day and was sedated and the blockage in his bowel removed. He has never soiled himself since.

Re: Re: behavior problem? wet and soiled pants

Thanks Natasha for your reply... My fiance spoke to his ex and she is suppose to call the Dr. on Monday. At least then we should be able to get some sort of referral. I am just irritated that I had to be the new incomer to the family that insisted something be done. I am a nurse and I understand that is could be a medical condition but he also wets himself all the or night and doesn't tell anyone. He just runs around until someone notices.