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5yr behavior

My 5 yr old son (who turned 5 just 10 days before our school started) has had problems in school from day 1. His teacher is very strict and pulls a clip from green to yellow to red for behavior, with only two prior warnings. He has had his clip moved for things like not standing in a straight line in the hall to 'legitimate' reasons like disruptiing the class. Today he was in the bathroom had drank from the urinal (he said he flushed it first) playing around. This behavior is not like him at all but I am concerned that because he is constantly in trouble in the classroom maybe for the most silly things that I realize she would like to have the children learn, that he is doing these things for attention. I have talked to him when he comes home with the sad faces, we have spanked him, and most of all we have taken tv and leap pad and leapster priviledges away which tore him up!!! I spoke to the Principal to have him removed from the teachers class because she is new to our school and she is very strict for kindergarteners (he should be any day now). I need some advice on what else I can do to help my son. I am thinking about taking him out of the school all together if there is room in a private church kindergarten, and then making him repeat kindergarten in the public school next year at age 6 when he is more mature. Please any advice would be so helpful!!

Re: 5yr behavior

poor lad, he sounds like a lively kid who is perhaps pushing the boundaries with you and his teachers. Please stop smacking him, that will not get you or him anywhere but court. From what you say it sounds like the teacher is being a bit harsh with the punishments and it is a shame that your child is clearly not happy. This is testiment to poor teaching rather than a bad kid. Don't take him out of school or he will think all he has to do to get out of school is play up. Ask for a meeting with the principle and the teacher together. Ask them how they are going to help your child settle in and make schooling fun from the start. the onus should be on them to help him settle, not just you. hope you find comfort in this.