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Social skills? Are they Normal?


I took Kayla to her parent child class today and she didn't even bother with the other children she was in her own little world playing on her own, it was as if she was lost.

Is this a normal behaviour for her age? I'm not worried or conncerned but should I be?


Re: Social skills? Are they Normal?

I think from your other posts your daughter is less than 2? Is that right? If so her behaviour is so normal, it takes a while before children actually play with each other. They play along side, might swap toys but not really interact much. Around 2.5 to 3 is when the play happens depending on the child.

My 2yo is pretty antisocial although she has older siblings. She is just not interested in playing with other children, if another child gets too close she screams like a banschee and tries to scratch. Just her temperament. *sigh*