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A Stepfather of a new born and having no children of my own.

Any thought about this situation. My Girlfriend is white I am black she is 18 I am 22 The bio father wants no resonsablity at all. How do I react to this I was there for her when she was pregnant and now I am still here where do I go with all this she loves me and I love her I have a good job the father does not have a job do. Any tips or thoughts please just want to know where I stand on this situation .

Thank Yuo

Re: A Stepfather of a new born and having no children of my own.

Be honest with yourself and ask this question - Do I love my girlfriend? If so can we make it all the way? Sounds like you are already having doubts - is so, you ought to tell her and support her through the difficulties as sensitively as you can while she finds her feet on her own. No point in having these doubts and continuing in the relationship. You will only resent her as time goes by.Even if you stay together, be prepared for the lonh haul - it's not easy either way.

Re: A Stepfather of a new born and having no children of my own.

Be honest with yourself and ask this question - Do I love my girlfriend? If so can we make it all the way? Sounds like you are already having doubts - is so, you ought to tell her and support her through the difficulties as sensitively as you can while she finds her feet on her own. No point in having these doubts and continuing in the relationship. You will only resent her as time goes by.Even if you stay together, be prepared for the long haul - it's not easy either way.