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weaning from a bottle

I just recently weaned my 21 month old daughter onto a sippy cup from the
bottle cold turkey. She takes 16oz a day, 8 in the morning and 8 at night I
also offer milk from a cup at lunch. Am I doing this right, should she be
getting more? She is pettite and she is gaining weight, but she has a huge
appitite, it seems like all she does is eat. 2 or 3 months ago she stopped
wanting a bottle in the afternoon so I figured it was time to wean her over.
I know that the more they eat (solids) the less they are going to want the
bottle. To me she seems to be doing fine, she lets me know when she is
hungry and when she has had enough. I just don't know if it was the smart
thing to do at such a young age.

Thanks for listening

Re: weaning from a bottle

most experts recommend 1 full pint of fresh milk per day per child under five years, what ever way they get that is up to you, wether it be drinking or on cereal so yes it sounds fine. i'm rubbish on knowing pints into ounces sorry but if she's getting about a pint a day that's good. hope that helped

Re: Re: weaning from a bottle


My son now 28 months went off milk when he was about 18 months, he just totally refused it in a cup or a bottle. He's a tiny little boy anyway so I really panicked. He eats lots of cheese and yoghurts but no way does he get a pint a day. I've now stopped worrying becaue he is perfectly healthy, happy and well adjusted. I've been to professionals who say there is no forcing children they have to eat when hungry.

My advise would be just go with the flow,at least your daughter eats well. You're lucky!