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5 year old

my 5 year old cryes about ever thing?
what can i do? if she dont get her way ,
she dose not mune me at all, im just her gramal but i have had her sents she was 2 days old she dont have a mom or dad that cares for her, but back to the behaver problme, when she is at school thay say she is a sweet little girl but at home o no she cryes when you ask her to do something like pick up her toyes, then finlly i will do it to gust get her to shut up, im pulling my hair out can some one tell me what i need to do? HELP HELP

Re: 5 year old

Why not set up a reward scheme for her for when she is good, she's five so she is old enought to know how you want her to behave. if you sit her down and talk with her about why she gets so upset and explain to her that when she's a good girl she gets a sticker on a chart (i buy a cheap calender and some stickers for my kids) she gets to put the sticker on each day if she's been good and not been whiny, similarly she gets to have to put a cross on if she has been silly.
It may be worth starting out with sections of a day, ie, if she's good in the morning she gets a sticker, one for the afternoon and one at bedtime perhaps, this way she doesn't have to wait the whole day for her reward, you can say 'now don't make that silly noise show me how big you are and you will get your next sticker.' or something along those lines, hope this helps. I find this helps with lots of issues with my kids.