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Behavioural Difficulties

My 5 yr old son has started at a new school AND bit another boy on the first day. His teacher says he was genuinely sorry. In the past he has biten other kids when upset/angry about something, however,lately this behaviour did not persist. He does get angry at times. We are worried about how this will progress, but also wonder if there anyone can recommend a psychologist to work with him on his anger? He presents well at home and in other settings, listening to what he is told- uses thank you and please, etc. 2 years ago he was investigated for autism, ADHD, etc and signed off that he doean'h ave any of these conditions. I believe he doesn't, however, he does have a temper - any help please? Does anyone have expereince of handling biting incidents - it does appear our son is the only one with this behaviour! Help please!

Re: Behavioural Difficulties

You are not alone, believe me. I have a daughter who is nearly 6 years old and she has a foul temper and is constantly biting her brother who is a year younger than her. He only has to walk past or near her and she can launch at him for no apparent reason. She has never bitten anyone else and her teachers cannot believe this is the same person as the one they see at school. She is a shy child and easily frustrated. She has been seen at a local child development centre and they diagnosed her as having dyspraxia and said she would grow out of biting. Well nearly 3 years later and she still has not and she is becoming really spiteful but only to her brother usually. Although, a few months ago she did bite her 2 year old sister for the first time. When she is in a good mood, she gets on brilliantly with her siblings, but heaven help if she is in a bad mood.

I am no nearer to finding a solution and have read god knows how many childcare books and had lot of conversations with my health visitor.

We are now back on a sticker chart for good behaviour with a small reward at the end of each week and I am keeping my fingers crossed.

Re: Re: Behavioural Difficulties

Dear Melanie,

Thank you for the enouraging words. I have endless converstions with the Health visitor, etc - I'm glad to hear that other parents are working on this. We haven't heard further biting since, however, I'm yet to go and pick him up from school today! I approach with caution....THANK YOU.

Re: Behavioural Difficulties

Unfortunately, my daughter has excelled herself today and given her brother a very nasty bite on the shoulder. I heard them squabbling over a toy upstairs and by the time I got up he was screaming and had already been bitten.

As it was approaching bedtime, I told her that she would have to get ready for bed straightaway and she was meant to be going to a friends after school tomorrow and I have explained that she will not be going, but that maybe if she behaves she will be able to go next week instead. I will have to follow through as well even though her friend is really disappointed.

It is good for me to hear that there is someone else whose child bites (not good for you though obviously) as I was beginning to think that mine was the only one!

I would be interested to hear the methods that you have tried with your son as you said that he had not bitten for a while. My daughter seems to calm down for a while and then her temper gets the better of her. It worries me sometimes that a little child can have so much anger sometimes.

Anyway, good luck and maybe you could ask your health visitor if you have a child development centre that your son could be referred to as they have child psychologists there normally.