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My 8 y old has started having problems with anger. she went through the normal temper tantrums when she was younger but over the last few months anything and everything sends her into a state of anger that noone can control. she throws things about, shouts and screams, she has no control over anything she does and I can not get any control while she is angry recently she gets herself so angry she is hyper-ventalating.this anger can last from 1-10 mins and she calms down as quick as she started then is all upset and starts crying saying sorry. I have tried all the usual methods for behaviour nothing works. Anyone got any ideas??

Re: anger

Will she talk to you? she may have experienced problems with a friend or friends or had a disagreement with another peer, this can really set them off balance and make them react angrily. i had this with my son when he was being bullied a few years ago, I had to drag it out of him that he was being bothered by a small group of boys at playtime.It was soon nipped in the bud when i visited school to talk to the teacher, i don't wish to alarm you its just a thought.hope you get it sorted