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26 month old who isn't talking much

Hi, My 26 month old adoptive daughter is very vocal and happy, but she isn't saying many words. Here is a list of the words she knows
Ma Ma (for my mother her grandmother, I am some sort of Nay Nay (for wendy)(note: me and my mom share guardianship)
Something that sounds like
Ma (we think that is mine)
and she used to say Baba when refering to her sippy cup but not so much anymore cuz she uses a more big girl cup.
And for some reason 99 % of the alphabet (which she loves sung, as well as her refrigerator magnets)
she refers to as E lol
Honestly that is about it. I know every child develops differently but we worry about everything because codine was in her system at birth (the doctor put her biological mother on tylenol 3 because of her pain problems causing early labor at 26 months. She was full term (39 weeks) We have been her "parents" since she was 1 month old. It is really hard when I hear children her age talk nonstop and in complete sentences and it is possible she will be a quiet child, and believe me we try to talk to her lots and give her stimulation. Her doctor didn't seem overly concerned about it, just want to get some other feedback.

Re: 26 month old who isn't talking much

she sounds like a very happy little soul, as you said all children develop in their own time and at different rates, what your child can do another child may not have mastered and vice versa. I know its hard but don't compare her with others,If you are worried have a word with your health visitor about your concerns, my son hardly said a word til he was 3 and now i can't shut him up. all the best.

Re: 26 month old who isn't talking much

I wouldn't worry about it too much. My son did not speak until he was 3 - I must however add that we found it necessary to engage a speech therapist to help him bridge the gap as he was getting frustrated about his inability to express himself at nursery or other play settings. And now he talks too much......

Re: Re: 26 month old who isn't talking much

I would give him a bit longer as most children do things when they are ready but if the speech is still not coming in a couple of months I would have him assessed by a speech therapist. Just for your piece of mind and if there is a problem, early intervention is always best.

Re: 26 month old who isn't talking much

thanks everybody! After I posted I thought of 3 more words she can say so its not that she can't talk, but the doctor asked if she was saying 2 and 3 word sentences and that really threw me...I guess time will tell.