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Is my 6 yr old a bully?

Lately my daughter has been accused of being a minipulative bossy sly little bully however the parent accusing her of this has been talking to some other parents i know that dislike me for reasons unbeknown to myself. I spoke to her teacher and she has said she has no problem with her, my friends children are happy to play with her its just this small selection of parents who live in my street who have said this, if she was a bully would i have not been informed of the matter before now? i know she won't put up with any one pushing her around but she's never lashed out at anyone before. when i asked this parent had she actually seen my child hit her child she just said she'd 'spoke' to other parents. i didn't have to ask which parents she meant i just knew, i am so upset and have no idea where to turn, my hubby is not very supportive i may as well be a single parent, desperate plesae

Re: Is my 6 yr old a bully?

Dear Debbie,

Your daughter's teachers are in a better postion to judge if she is a bully than a parent with an axe to grind. My son is now in reception class and I realised with absolute horror how some parents can be nasty about other peoples kids! It appears you have done something about the allegations - you have checked your daughter's behaviour at home and with the teachers - that's all you can do. This parent obviously has a problem and I would let nature take it's cause. If the parent in question manages to convince other parents re: your daughter and this manifests itself in the school playground, the teachers will pick on it. And you can also bring it to their attention. You have done what a responsible normal parent would do - checked out the allegations and fortunately, you have found these are malicious rumours. I'm always amazed at the parents with 'perfect children'. If this continues,perhaps talking to the parent in question would be an idea though I wouldn't do this just yet.
I went through this within a week of my son starting reception class - and todate the teachers are amazed and wonder what the parent in my situation was up to. Hope the sitaution improves.

Re: Re: Is my 6 yr old a bully?

Thanks Jane,
you have put my mind at ease now, she is a very spirited child and oozes personality, her teacher has said she is a very popular little girl with lots of friends at sdchool, fortunatly only one of the children in question goes to her school and she is in a different year, the other three are in another school. The woman who said it, has only been in the neighbourhood a few months and we went away came back and all this flared up. i know who it is who appears to be 'controlling' the other parents, i would love to know how he does it,i can't prove however as i will just look like the villain. The other parents in question appear to be 'in his pocket' they don't appear to have minds of their own. i thought this family who are new would break the cycle we were friendly when they first moved in but it only took for me to have a holiday for the poison to set in, i'm devastated, if i could afford it i would move away tomorrow.