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Play School Age

My child is 17 months old and I am trying to find out what is the suggested age of sending her to a play school. She is currently at home with a nanny while I work full day. She is happy and secure and I do not want to send her to early from a pschylogical point of view in case this has a negative affect on her.

Re: Play School Age


The play schools in my area take children from 2 years 9 months. However I'm going to wait to put my son into a pre school (attached to a primary school) which he can start the September after his 3rd birthday. He's currently at a child minders 2 days a week where he interacts with other children his age and I feel this is plenty of stimulation for him at the moment.

Hope this helps!

Re: Re: Play School Age

Thanks Martine, as I said to Debbie I feel alot more comfortable with enrolling her in 2007 when she is over 2 and half.

Re: Play School Age

If your child is happy hy change things, yes its good for her to mix a little later on but 17 months is still very young to be worrying about it. all children are different and your child may thrive in an early years setting from two or she may not be ready until she's three, its trial and error. do some research into local pre-schools/nurseries alot of them have an open door policy whereby they will arrange for you to visit with your child at your connvenience for a few sessions to see if you and her like the place. hope i helped.

Re: Re: Play School Age

Thanks Debbie, I feel alot more comfortable now. I would idealy like to start her in a new year, so I believe the start of 2007 will probably be the best, she will be just over 2 and half. Which will also give me more time to investigate options.

Re: Re: Re: Play School Age

Best of luck with that then Anne. i'm sure you will both find somewhere to suit your needs, I work as a deputy in a pre-school and we offer an open door policy, i always think its a lovely feature and all of our parents comment on how friendly and open we are. Best of luck to you both.