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Website opinions wanted

I've posted this query on a few marketing forums, hoping to get some expert feedback, but so far it's been mostly a lot of confusing and contradictory advice. Someone suggested that since the subject is a parenting website I should pose the same question to parents.

Here's the situation...

My husband and I have been at odds over what kind of website works. He's been reading all the marketing books and wants to follow the rules. I'm pretty much tired of all the marketing hype and bluster that we're constantly being barraged with on the net.

So we made a bet. I'm betting that more visitors will respond to my website than his and if I'm right he has to buy me a new dishwasher.

It's possible that I'm being completely naive and totally out to lunch here. That's why I'm asking for your help. If it's not too much trouble, would you please visit both sites and let me know which one you prefer?

My site is

His site is

Thanks very much for your feedback. And please don't pull your punches. If my site stinks, let me know. The old dishwasher still works ...sort of.


Re: Website opinions wanted

i have to be honest with you, I like his more ! It is easier to read and it is easier on the eye. It was fun to read yours but it was one long long long wad of writing that had me thinking you were more interested in your new dishwasher than my disciplining my kids! you said to be honest.... sorry ! i like the concept of the wheel. it's a different angle on the reward chart theme. hope it sells well for you