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behaviour at school

Hi, My yr1(aged 5) daughter seems to be in trouble at school quite a lot. She is quite bright and enjoys the work, but is having trouble with her peers. She is quite a strong willed child and I wonder if it is a control issue, with children wanting to be top-dog. I dont want to appear to hard on her incase she stops talking to me about instances. There is also one particular girl who she is always arguing with and this is definatly 6 of one ... The school havent contacted me - should I see them? My doughter now doesnt want to school as she doesnt like being in trouble. I am mortified as noone wants the naughty girl but dont know what to do. HELP please!!!

Re: behaviour at school

I would go and see the teacher for a chat. Just ask her what is going on and if it is any cause for concern. If it is, ask her what you can at home about it. Don't be afraid to see the teacher, I sure she/he will be happy to talk to you.

It is probably a phase thing anyway and your daughter will probably grow of it.