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3 year old daughter potty training

Hi, I have a daughter who will be four in november, i started training her at the start of May, She has been great at doing her number ones on the toilet but for the first while i found she was holding in her no 2 until her night nappy was on. I found this to be causing her distress and constipation which obviously isnt good for her. Time went on during which i tried everything to try and get her to go. bribing, making up stories, showing her all the "big girls"..... she started doing her no 2 in her pants, but this would be a very small amount which caused her to do it at least six times a day. Out of shere frustration i decided to start all over again. I put her back in pull up pants but the amount of time she is doing her no 2s is still about six times a day where she used to go once and it would be a large solid stool. She seems to have no intention of ever using the toilet for no 2. I just dont know what i have done wrong??? does anybody have any all.

Re: 3 year old daughter potty training

Hi, I went through about the same thing with my daughter MaKayla. She has a rare blood disease, Histiocytosis. She did six months of chemo and has behavior problems. We were trying to get her into headstart at the age of three. I started potty training when she was 2 1/2. She would go #1 but hide behind the couch for #2. Then we told her she would get to go to school if she was a big girl and went to the potty. She was potty trained by age 3. But she didn't get to go to school, due to over crowding. I believe she felt betrayed and started to retaliate. She would stand in front of me and say I'm peeing. She would go outside and do #2. I went back to pull ups. Then I took her to the store and let her pick out her own panties. She got Dora the Explorer. I explained that Dora didn't want to get wet or nasty. She was using the potty in about two weeks. This was two weeks before her 4th birthday. You haven't done anything wrong. I believe toddlers learn at there own pace and my daughter was teaching me a lesson. (Don't say if you do this - you will get to do this, unless you know it is true). Remember no pressure, there is no time limit.