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Defiant grandchild

Hi. This is my first time here. I am hoping to get some helpful advice regarding my DGD. She is 4, very witty and smart, funny, and beautiful but very strong-willed, stubborn, highly energetic and defiant. My DD is doing the best she can. She has been a single mom from the beginning but has now been dating a guy seriously for almost a year. My DGD refers to him as her dad.
My DGD gets in trouble a lot for not following directions (home and school). She will not go to sleep at night therefore she's over tired and cranky. She can be the sweetest thing and she can be the rudest thing. You can't help but be intrigued by her but something has got to give.
Time -out, privileges taken away, talking to, etc. etc. have been tried but she doesn't budge. She a very exhausting child. I'm only 52 and she wears me completely out.
The teacher says she's not ADD just high energy and strong willed. How do you deal with a child that way?
My DD feels overwhelmed and doesn't think she's being a good enough mom.

HELP!! One more thing. This behavior has been going on since the beginning. It's nothing new.

Re: Defiant grandchild

My son went through a stage like that at about 4. He could be revolting at times. It is about testing limits.

I can thoroughly recommend a book titled "Raising the Spirited Child' I can't remember the author but search the title and you will find it. It may help and definitely worth a read.