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crying 1st grader!

My 5 year old started 1st grade on tuesday but every morning when i drop him of at school he cies , says he has a stomach ache and makes him self vomit. I have tried talking to him . I dont know what i should do.

Re: crying 1st grader!

Well it is a big thing to start school. It is pretty overwhelming and very tiring when your child first starts. It sounds like a case of nerves.

Just give him lots of positive encouragement, talk up how great school is, take a big interest in his homework and what he has done during the day. If you are allowed, walk him into his classroom so he can show you his work. If he doesn't settle in soon, then talk to the teacher to see if there are any problems and ask her to suggest some tips on what you can do at home to support your son. Also try to organise some playdates with some of the kids from school. This is a good way to build friendships for your child outside the school environment. He might be more keen to go if he has a special friend in his class.

If there are opportunities for you to help out in the classroom such as hearing the kids read or whatever take those up and get involved. Good luck I hope things improve quickly.

Re: Re: crying 1st grader!

My daughter started Headstart this year. She wanted to go to school, but wanted Mommy to stay. She gets to take a bookbag to school. In a special pocket I put a picture of Mommy and Daddy, and every school day I put a note in the pocket (a picture of a stick Mom and girl, a dog, cat etc.) I hope these ideas help.