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getting dressed

My 6 year old throws a tantram every morning about geeting dressed. He tries on several different items of clothing and then cries with frustration. Getting clothes out the night before doesn't help as it seems he it is for attention and not because of the actual clothes. He always wants clothes that are in the wash and makes distinctions even between identical items of school uniform.

I have had to take him barefoot to school on occasion as he rips off clothes if I make him get dressed.

His tantrams involve him telling me he hates me and threatens to wee on the carpet!

Any thoughts?

Re: getting dressed

giving him total choice of options r.e. clothes may be part of the problem- try showing him two outfits and asking him to choose between them, this may reduce the confusion and arguments!

Re: Re: getting dressed


My daughter is exactly the same as this, she throws tantrums every day getting dressed, wrong colour, wrong lenght, anything at all will set her off. She is 5 and this seems to frustrate her just as much as me. She cries and cries in a really distressed way. I have tried everything and am now beginning to think it may be some sort of disorder and am looking into. you are not alone!


Re: Re: Re: getting dressed

Thank you! I am mow trying to ignore him until we have to go to school. Then I take him in the car regardless of how many clothes he has on. He usually gets dressed in the car but has walked in with no shoes and socks on. The teacher is totally supportive of what I am doing which helps.