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potty training

Help - My son will be 4 next week, he has been potty trained for pee for a whole year with no accidents, poop is another story. About a month ago I played hardball, he was required to try several times a day and there was a train reward promised. He caught on in about 3 days and we went for a week smoothly. Then we had a family vacation and we reverted right back. It's been about 10 days of me going back to having him sit and try. No luck, accidents, finding pull-ups while I'm not watching. He knows how and he was happy and proud when he was going but now he says he will but he just doesn't - HELP

Re: potty training my post on Sept 17. I have a soon to be step son who will be 7 in January. After I posted it i started doing some research and I am having his dad make an appointment to rule out any medical issues but I think it might be an ADHD behavior. Its called impulsivity in which they display their emotions without restraint, and act without regard for the later consequences of their conduct. It is making me crazy and I hate to take him anywhere.

Re: potty training

Dear melissa,
I have read your post and sent you also an e-mail.
I have developed a special method that deals with the problem that you describe.
You can enter my website and read some information about me.
The section that deals with the problem that you describe is still under construction.
I would be glad helping you.
If you want you can e mail me your phone and I will call you, or i can ask you some questions via the e mail and then we
can decide how to proceed.

Best regards,
Dr. Baruch Kushnir

Re: Re: potty training

feel free to e-mail me if you have some tips or questions that might help. i will say we do have a little progress but it is far from me trusting that he would take care of business if left completely alone on the issue.
