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kids"playing docter" what is considered normal?

i have a son who just turned 4 two months ago, and today i caught him with two girls from the neighborhood in the back yard, apperently taking tuns exposing themselves, now i know to a degree this is normal but heres the thing, one of the girls just turned 5 a couple weeks ago, the other girl however is an old for her age 7. all the info on this subject that i have found tonight tells me that as long as they are close in age and maturity leval this is normal. but is a young 4 and a very mature 7 close in age or does this cross the line? also the 7 yr old is the one who initiated this "play" there was no touching, is this abuse? more concerning is when i told the 7 yr old girls mother the mom mentioned how the little girl is "weird about her body, and doesnt like her mother to see her undress, but recently she has been doing thing like this" then the mother said"well her dad is very strange" what the hell does that mean?? do i need to be concerned for my son- and this little girl? or am i just being paranoid? p.s. im pretty liberal and not embaressed about sex, and my children and i openly disscus it in an age appropriate way, but this worries me should i go with my gut here? feed back please!

Re: kids"playing docter" what is considered normal?

I don`t think you should be overly concerned, i think it is most likely to be just curiosity about the body parts of the opposite sex. Obviously if you ever see them touch stop it immediately and explain to them why it is wrong. They will most probably get bored sooner or later and stop it. Hope this hepls a little? Thankyou for answering my question.

Re: kids"playing docter" what is considered normal?

I would try to keep an eye out,but I wouldnt really worry much... even if the 7 year old is the one "in charge" keep in mind that she is only 7 and still a very young innocent child as well. Her Moms response seemed odd though???