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Skin care, Weight loss
Products for Skin care and Weight loss Accutane Accutane Order Accutane Buy Accutane Clenbuterol Clenbuterol Order Clenbuterol Buy Clenbuterol Cytomel Cytomel Order Cytomel Buy Cytomel Thiomucase Cream Thiomucase Cream Order Thiomucase Cream Buy Thiomucase Cr...
Views: 180   Replies: 0
Last Post: May 15, 2007 11:14am
by Anabolic Steroid...
4 Year crying behaviour
Am now 7 weeks pregnant and Shaban (my son of 4 years) is always crying when he's around me. when he's told something or asked to do something he starts to cry so bad. this really hurt me, everyone say that i've spoiled him. i don't leave him behind every time i le...
Views: 264   Replies: 1
Last Post: May 15, 2007 8:12am
by Hemyola Shantini
My 1yr old son going to his fathers
Hi, just wanted some advice on my son going to his dads. Since he was a few months old, hes stayed at his house 2 nights a week, and we've got quite a good friendship, so Ive always been happy about the situation, and grateful of the break each week! However, sinc...
Views: 182   Replies: 3
Last Post: May 15, 2007 8:03am
by Hemyola Shantini
4year old daughter.
Our 4yr daughter has recently regressed with her toilet training. She soils herself daily and when we talk to her about it (we don't get angry or shout we try and talk to her about it) she says she doesn't know why or makes a joke out of it.There is nothing medically...
Views: 240   Replies: 1
Last Post: May 15, 2007 7:58am
by Hemyola Shantini
4 year old meltdowns
My four year old son is very well behaved most of the time. What has me and my husband pulling our hair out are these frequent "meltdowns" where if he doesn't get his way, he will escalate a simple "not tonight honey" into a full blown control struggle. For eg. he w...
Views: 267   Replies: 1
Last Post: May 15, 2007 7:55am
by Hemyola Shantini
Please can someone help
I'm a single father of a 3 year old girl, i'm 6 months into a relationship and my partner has a boy and girl of similar ages. When we first started seeing each other everything was fine and the children played together with no problem. Recently my daughter has starte...
Views: 328   Replies: 2
Last Post: May 14, 2007 3:03pm
by Christie
14 yr old son too anxious to go to school
I have a 14yr old son who is very anxious about going to school at the moment. He hasn't attended since feb half-term. He did have a bit of teasing the previous term which does seem to have been sorted out. However he has seen a couple of his friends mugged on the...
Views: 196   Replies: 2
Last Post: May 14, 2007 1:12pm
by eerc
2 and a half year old throwing toys
My son has started throwing toys around the room. I've tried telling him off but he never listens and sometimes before he throws something he looks at me first, smiles then does it. I have read somewhere that leaving the room might help. Can anyone give me advice?...
Views: 217   Replies: 2
Last Post: May 13, 2007 10:57pm
by Hemyola Shantini
5 yr. old daughter
I have a 5 year old that has been kicked out of 1 daycare, and 2 babysitters in the past 2 weeks. She refuses to listen and she destroyed both of the sitters houses. She breaks things and floods toilets. I have lost all patience with her. I also have a son that just...
Views: 333   Replies: 1
Last Post: May 13, 2007 10:37pm
by Hemyola Shantini
My 5 year old from hell
I have a very outgoing and spirited 5 year old girl. As much as I want her to be herself, she comes accross to others as being very forward and rude. I have worked a little with a counsler at her school and it hasn't helped at all. She is very selfish, wants to ru...
Views: 700   Replies: 11
Last Post: May 13, 2007 2:32pm
by Phebe
my 3 year old and my 3 month old
I really need some advice, My 3 year old daughter is going tthrough this stage where she has such a horrible attitude, and my 3 month old will not stop CRYING I dont know what to do
Views: 250   Replies: 2
Last Post: May 13, 2007 1:57pm
by robinlang
7 1/2 year old pulling down pants
This evening we were at a friends house and my 7 1/2 year old son was playing with thier 8 year old boy and their 3 year old girl. The 8 year old came downstairs and said that my son pulled down the 3 year olds pants. We talked to him about the importance of never...
Views: 303   Replies: 1
Last Post: May 13, 2007 6:07am
by Hemyola Shantini
I have a son whos a year and a half almost and he is still drinking form a bottle,(not strictly a bottle though)he has juice and what not,,, When should he be weaned off his bottle and how would I go abouts doing this?? He LOVES his bottle!!
Views: 231   Replies: 2
Last Post: May 12, 2007 11:39pm
by ellie
crying for his dad
please can you advise. My son split with a six year relationship 6 months ago. His ex had 2 children with a previos partener, 3 children with my son and is now expecting her 6th with her new boyfriend. Her new boyfriend recently almost murdered my son in front of...
Views: 265   Replies: 2
Last Post: May 12, 2007 11:30pm
by ellie
hi how are u everybody? my son 5 years and 5 months old he is going to school. he is distract his mind when he is writing in school and home. everyday not complete the class work in school. we met the teacher and asked about this she told sometime writing fast somet...
Views: 273   Replies: 4
Last Post: May 12, 2007 7:27pm
by Hemyola Shantini
Difficulty making freinds
My child seems to be struggling making freinds at school. After looking into it further it looks like he has a number of symptoms associated with aspergers syndrome. Where should i start with this?
Views: 265   Replies: 4
Last Post: May 12, 2007 6:18pm
by H
Anxious 7 year old....please help!!!!!
My 7 year old son is a very anxious child and has very low self esteem. He thinks he is dumb and stupid and no amount of praise or encouragement seems to work. I am concerned because I am a foster carer and my son has seen a lot of difficult things and I fear I am...
Views: 277   Replies: 2
Last Post: May 12, 2007 2:58am
by Rebecca
Views: 279   Replies: 2
Last Post: May 12, 2007 2:31am
by Hemyola Shantini
I need some advice on what I found my niece doing, please help!!!!!
Hi All, I need some real advice here about my niece Caitlin she is 13, and last night I catch her doing something that could really get her in a lot of trouble with my sister and her ex husband. For those of you that know anything about the Kentucky Derby, two wee...
Views: 280   Replies: 2
Last Post: May 7, 2007 8:03pm
by j
Improving behaviour for an 8 year old - help please!
Hi everyone - new poster here! My partner has an 8-year old daughter who, although she is generally happy and good fun, will often not do as she is told and throws a tantrum if she is denied anything - and this can include shouting and swearing at her mum. Her mum an...
Views: 318   Replies: 2
Last Post: May 5, 2007 6:22am
by Hemyola Shantini
7 yr old, who wont do homework!
My 7 yr old daughter wont do her school homework, sometimes I have ended up doing as class teacher blaims me if my daughter doesnt do it. I have tried telling her to do it as soon as in from school then she can play, tried rewards, tried taking toys away, I really do...
Views: 330   Replies: 4
Last Post: May 4, 2007 4:47pm
by Ang
2 year old regressing due to new baby
I have a two year old and a 7 month old. They have always gotten along perfectly from day one. But suddenly my eldest is regressing a little. She seems to want Mommy's help more for things she used to do by herself (i.e. going down slides, getting undressed, walking...
Views: 260   Replies: 2
Last Post: May 4, 2007 12:33am
by Hemyola Shantini
9yr Old being disruptive at school.
Having just been called in to my sons school to speak to his teacher, I find that he is being rude, distruptive and generally has a bad attitude to school life. He is a bright boy, when he applies himself & has more than enough support both at school and home. I...
Views: 358   Replies: 9
Last Post: May 4, 2007 12:21am
by Hemyola Shantini
Not sure how to handle my son's anger anymore
I have a 7 yr old son. I am a single mom and I've been having behavior problems with him since he was 2 yrs old. He as improved a little bit, but still getting in trouble at school. He as an anger problem, when you tell him "No" he just gets really mad and starts th...
Views: 359   Replies: 5
Last Post: May 4, 2007 12:17am
by Hemyola Shantini
17 yr old & sexual identity
Hey, all; I have a 17 year old son who thinks he's gay and may be for all I know. I know he's engaging in very serious sexual conversations with two other people via instant messaging. The fact that he may be gay doesn't concern me that much. I know most ma...
Views: 320   Replies: 1
Last Post: May 3, 2007 11:49pm
by Hemyola Shantini
problem with 11 yr.old daughter not sleeping
My daughter recently watched a movie at school about the changes that would be happening to her body. Since she has seen the movie she has been making her self stay awake at night complaining of having a stomach ache. But only on nights that I am not at work, becau...
Views: 294   Replies: 1
Last Post: May 3, 2007 11:46pm
by Hemyola Shantini
Child Trust fund
Hi my name is Ellie and I recently had a baby. I was wondering if anybody had any information or views on the ethical child trust fund as I am considering investing in socially responsible projects. I was also wondering if anybody knows how these type of shares are d...
Views: 303   Replies: 2
Last Post: May 3, 2007 9:48am
by Lynn Starling
How do i get my 4 year old to share?
I am at my wits end. My 4 year old son won't share with his 2 year old sister. They are close in every other way but trying to get them to share is a nightmare. My son screams whenever his sister takes a toy to play with even if its hers. I try to get them to play to...
Views: 350   Replies: 5
Last Post: Apr 29, 2007 6:42pm
by C harper
toddler sleep habits
My son is 2 1/2. Sometimes he wakes up in the middle of the night and wants me to take him to the guest room so that he can fall back asleep with me there. If I do that, he usually goes right back to sleep without any problem. I fall right back to sleep too so in...
Views: 273   Replies: 2
Last Post: Apr 29, 2007 6:33am
by Hemyola Shantini
Bad behavoiur from my son.
My son was in intensive care from birth for 2 weeks he is now 4. He has an older sister who we rarely have any trouble with but who my son can be quite cruel to most of the time. He displays bad behaviour/tantrums/violence quite a lot although at other times be ext...
Views: 453   Replies: 1
Last Post: Apr 29, 2007 6:29am
by Hemyola Shantini
Step family gone very wrong
My partner and I moved in together in april last year, with his daughter whom had lived with him for a year after being removed from her mother by social services. She is 4 years old and we expected problems when we moved in together as, like every child, she does no...
Views: 284   Replies: 3
Last Post: Apr 28, 2007 4:58pm
by cindy
Puberty at 8 ?
My daughter is 8 yrs and 9 months. Since December last year she ha been having some horrendous mood swings and jusy recently, I have noticed that they occur every 4 weeks. (They actually co-incide with my cycle!) The moods are completely out of charachter and are so...
Views: 334   Replies: 11
Last Post: Apr 26, 2007 5:59pm
by Ang
Divorce an household transition
My 8 year old son has told me that he feels sad when he has to make the transition from his dads home to mine and visa versa. What can I say to him to comfort him? I validated is feelings for him and asked him to remember that he gets to see both parents alot.
Views: 227   Replies: 2
Last Post: Apr 26, 2007 5:46pm
by Ang
4 year old cries whenever the nanny arrives
I know that it is probably just because she doesn't want me to go and leave her but she is happy as a lark on the days when she goes to the childminder or goes into nursery it is only on the two days that we have a nanny coming to the house. She starts crying as s...
Views: 303   Replies: 4
Last Post: Apr 25, 2007 1:55pm
by lorna
Cutting Steroids
Anabolic Steroids Steroids Equipoise Equipoise Buy Equipoise Order Equipoise Mastabol Mastabol Buy Mastabol Order Mastabol Primobolan Primobolan Buy Primobolan Order Primobolan Primobol Primobol Buy Primobol Order Primobol Trenabol Trenabol Buy Trenabol Ord...
Views: 256   Replies: 0
Last Post: Apr 25, 2007 12:03pm
by Steroids
I dont like my Daughter she is sooo irritating! HELP!
My daughter is nearly 11 but she hasnt changed a bit really, my Husband and I have had enough of feeling terrible because she always manages to make us lose our temper. We have 3 other children , she is in the middle. Her social skills are very poor, she cant seem to...
Views: 327   Replies: 4
Last Post: Apr 25, 2007 7:37am
by Jacqui
2 yeae old daughter bad behaver
my 2 year old dauter says no constentlly,miss behaves to were i cant or dred taking her one will baby sit her, not even family!shes a yeller and 23 years old and this is my first kid help me what do i do?
Views: 308   Replies: 1
Last Post: Apr 24, 2007 9:41pm
by ellie
6 yr old son just started bed wetting (when he's not weeing on the floor!)
Anyone out there able to offer some advice on this please? My 6 yr old son, who has been dry at night since he was 3, has just taken to weeing on his bedroom floor. We only realised when it started leaking from the ceiling into the lounge (ermm, so it's been goin...
Views: 278   Replies: 3
Last Post: Apr 24, 2007 10:33am
by Stanley
My son won't have his hair washed
My son of 3years 8 mths doesn't like having his hair washed as he doesn't like the water going on his face and in his ears. I have tried a shampoo shield but it didn't work. He screams whenever I wash his hair. I would like to take him swimming but I know he will...
Views: 309   Replies: 1
Last Post: Apr 23, 2007 11:35am
by ellie
problem with son
My 16 yr old son refuses to go to school He always had the tendency, but know it worsened. What do I do?
Views: 265   Replies: 2
Last Post: Apr 22, 2007 1:22am
by Hemyola Shantini
my son forget all things
hi, how are you everybody? my son now 5 years 4 months who is studying 1st std. everyday he forget to bring his things from school. like books, colours,pencil,lunch box. daily i am worried what he will be missed today. everyday i am telling don't forget your thi...
Views: 302   Replies: 4
Last Post: Apr 22, 2007 1:18am
by Hemyola Shantini
Problem with my daughter
Hi, I've a sweet three yr 10 months old only daughter. I want her to enjoy the life as much as possible. but she's very shy.she takes a lot of time to get settled and doesn't talk much.At her day care also she doesn't talk to any one unless some body asks her somet...
Views: 240   Replies: 5
Last Post: Apr 20, 2007 6:46pm
by cindy
5 yr sad little boy - pls help
My son is 5 in May and I desperately need some advice. Recently his behaviour has gone completely out of control with acts of aggression and verbal abuse to me and I have tried everything inc praise, time out, taking away toys etc etc.. He just isn't bothered by an...
Views: 288   Replies: 2
Last Post: Apr 20, 2007 10:50am
by Leonara
daughter troubles
i have a 5 year old daughter and over the past week every morning there has been a paddy which ivolves her throwing herself to the floor and kicking her legs, like the behaviour you would normally see in a 2 yr old, and i dont know what to do.. ANYONE WITH ANY HELP P...
Views: 378   Replies: 2
Last Post: Apr 19, 2007 11:58pm
by Hemyola Shantini
my husband and son don't get along
I have two sons aged 5 and 3. The eldest is very serious and the youngest is mischevous but very loving. My husband (father to both boys) dotes on the oldest but realy dislikes the youngest. He is always shouting at him, runs him down and avoids being with him when...
Views: 323   Replies: 1
Last Post: Apr 19, 2007 11:44pm
by Hemyola Shantini
My son loves to play "SCARE"
Hello, I have a four year old son who loves to play scary games, for example a lion, a robot, a ghost, and turning the lights off or closing people in. He also enjoys playing the scared one. Should I be concerned?? Is this a natural part of his development?? I...
Views: 277   Replies: 2
Last Post: Apr 19, 2007 11:38pm
by Hemyola Shantini
13 year old son wants to have a girlfriend
My (almost) 13 year old son would like to have a girlfriend. I am unsure if he is old enough yet to have a one-to-one relationship, even if only platonic. At the same time I do not want to restrict him too much either. Any advice welcome.
Views: 258   Replies: 1
Last Post: Apr 16, 2007 11:31pm
by Liz
Mental Health Counseling Guidelines - Joint Custody Situation
We just found out yesterday that my husband's ex has been taking their 13 year old daughter to a therapist because mom feels daughter is having a difficult time with our every other week custody arrangement. Custody changed 9 months ago from every other weekend to W...
Views: 220   Replies: 6
Last Post: Apr 16, 2007 3:55pm
by cindy
Mean step-daughter
My 10 year old step-daughter can be very sneaky and mean to her siblings. She has damaged my daughters property in the past as well. Her father, my second husband, won't recogize the behavior as a problem. If she tells him "I didn't do it" that's enough for him....
Views: 360   Replies: 13
Last Post: Apr 16, 2007 3:16pm
by cindy
Anabolic Steroids
Anabolic androgenic steroids are a class of natural and synthetic steroid hormones that promote cell growth and division, resulting in growth of several types of tissues, especially muscle and bone. Anabolism is the metabolic process that builds larger molecules from...
Views: 159   Replies: 0
Last Post: Apr 16, 2007 7:59am
by Anastacia
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