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An Email We Received

We received this email and decided to share it with all on the site

Dear Elizabeth Morley

Thank you for your enquiry
You submitted the following details

name: Elizabeth Morley
email: [Kept confidential]
Comments: Dear Sirs
I recently recieved the magazine News of the World from my daughter and was shocked to read about the ghosthouse as you affectionately call it, but felt compelled to write to you after looking it up on there website.
My name is Elizabeth Morley Duboui, I live in the South of France,but felt I would like to tell you of the time I resided at Hermeston Hall as a guest during the period of March 1958 till December of the same year.
I was never a real believer in Ghosts or Spirits until my stay at the Hall, but this all changed. Being a friend of a friend to the family,i had been invited to stay whilst I recovered from a personal tragedy.I began to notice that my belongings were being moved around and rifled through,fearing it might have been staff,I reported the incidents to my host,who quizzed them ,but what made me realise it wasnt them was when I walked into my room one evening to see my hairbrush floating in mid air and moving in such a fashion as though it was brushing someones hair,it abruptly fell to the floor.Startled I dismissed it ,thinking that maybe I had had one too many ports at dinner,but that night I was awoken to the crying of a small girl,I lit my bedside light and could make out this child huddled in a corner,she could not have been no older than 8 or 9 yrs in age and had long blonde hair,I asked who she was and why she was there,to which she vanished.
Very shaken I alerted my host who searched my room and the adjoining ones but found no trace of her,very shaken I retired once again but slept uneasily.After this episode I often heard her crys around the house,but no one else could,I think my host thought I was going a little senile.
However the most frightening experience to be witnessed by 8 of us happened in early December,it was a cold night and snow was falling very heavily,we had dinner guests and it was during dinner that the event occurred.
It was around 8.30 pm if I recall,when whilst we drank brandys that the dining room door flew open with such gusto causing us all to stop mid flow in conversation, standing in the door was a large gentleman dressed in an attire of what appeared to be a man of the cloth, he was very stern looking and had a look of a disturbed person about him, he then faded before our eyes,but a he did a sound which I can only suggest was that of a woman screaming in pain echoed about,so piercing as though to literally rattle the panes in the windows,this sound followe with what appeared to be the baying of dogs.The three men present bravely decided to investigate;leaving us ladies to huddle around the fire with even more brandy.
About 30 minutes later they returned very ashened faced stating they could not find the origin of the screams or dogs [I wish to point out the owners had no hounds that could have made such a noise],but they did say that whilst on the upper landing,a figure of a woman in white floated through them and her garb appeared to be bloodstained.Due to the severity of the snow fall we could not leave but the following morning we did ,most hastily.
Now as far fetched as it may appear I assure you that this story is indeed very true,and I can only say that those people who are living there now are either foolhardy or very brave,for I fear it could not have been an isolated case.

With Kindest Reguard
Best Wishes.....
The Bassetlaw Ghost Research Group

Re: An Email We Received

This bears out what everyone else has been seeing! Do you know if it was the Chinese room? I somehow think it will be! How amazing!!!!

Re: An Email We Received

Wow....I can't believe im sat reading this the same house!!
What a great story!!

Re: An Email We Received

yes this email certainly gives us food for thought.......I noticed folk are saying the web cams have gone quiet since the priest came,but what about the cap of the man in the hall near the clock,this was after he came wasnt it...........
Im sure our friends will make there appearance ,in this game you need patience..............

Re: An Email We Received

Wow! that has sent a chill right through me.
You are a brave lot.

Re: An Email We Received

Fantastic!! Goose bumps all over

Re: An Email We Received

Jayne, Tim and Rachel - you are so brave!

Re: An Email We Received

T & J are brave I'm just stupid for coming back for more!!!!!! LOL

Re: An Email We Received


Re: An Email We Received

Not brave-just lucky they do not appear to me! Maybe they do not want to scare us away! But if that had happened to me as it did to the lady I do not know what I would think!
I have asked Davd to e mail her back and ask which room she stayed in. I went and rang the old servants bell in the Chinese room and Rachel stayed in the back servants hall and confirmed that what we call the Chinese room was known then as the Red room according to the bell that rang.
Also would be interested in knowing who else was at the dinner party that could confirm this story!

Re: An Email We Received

wow. isn't that spooky

Re: An Email We Received

Good story...keep them coming!

Re: An Email We Received

There must be some historical records of the people and the house.
Fantastic story.

Re: An Email We Received

I have been in touch with the lady and she has told me that after the incident....all were asked never to repeat the incident........they didnt want this kind of thing going public.....for some strange reason.She is not prepared to disclose any names ,but she did feel after reading the article that no real harm could be caused now by her telling that story......

So what other mysterys does our GHOSTHOUSE hold........who indeed was the woman in the bloodstained dress........the BGRG mediums have not picked up on this at all...........but it doesnt mean it didnt ever happen.

Re: An Email We Received

wow!.....fantastic, but must have been very frightening.

Hermeston Hall

Talk of ghosts at Hermeston is complete bunk. There were no ghosts there, there are no ghosts there and unless someone makes good use of projectors and sound equipment, there are unlikely ever to be ghosts there.

My family and I lived at Hermeston Hall for many years, the 5 children and family animals occupied every conceivable bedroom. The only unusual sounds came from the occasional storms. It is odd that ghosts only seem to have made an appearance after Mr Bristow bought the East wing (the most recently built); said ghosts seem to be unrepresented in the other wings that are older and that are / were not occupied by Mr Bristow.

Wake up Ghost fans, there have to be legitimate stories somewhere - but sadly not at Hermeston.