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FAPI-Africa's Forum / Le Forum de FAPI Afrique
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Dear international friends of Africa

Dear international friends of Africa

Now you have it, a clear program for your thoughts, so that when a person asks for your vote or is already in power, after dealing with your needs, coming to your foreign policy with regards to Africa, please ask him/her where does he/she stand with regards to UBUNTU 2025? How many loans, how much money; how many schools from your program is he/she going to provide or help provide? Etc.

Say No for the millions and billions of dollars that go missing in high spheres in Africa and do not filter to the ground to the people;

No for the billions that are used for buying condoms to combat HIV. Like in your countries, the prevention and the handling of HIV is in strong and stable families with strong values, it is in the education in schools, it is in a good nutrition, it is in empowering mothers and women, it is access to medicine, it is in finance, it is in empowering millions of poor people, all of which is well captured in your program, UBUNTU2025.

Country/Pays RSA