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FAPI-Africa's Forum / Le Forum de FAPI Afrique
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UBUNTU 2025: Fapi Africa's main program

FAPI Africa's main project UBUNTU 2025 is powerful 16 years short-term poverty eradication program for Africa. It is a real demonstration that people are the achievers of true development and need to be given the central role that is theirs in development projects we design and implement as true creators of wealth.

UBUNTU 2025 s core program is an asset-building program, which has for goal to provide complete packages of loans for a house, a small business development and a saving plan to an estimated 50 million families and 37.5 million individuals in Africa by the year 2025. It is around this foundation that are coming to play other important strategic projects to contribute to the fight against poverty and underlying causes of poverty. These strategic projects are:

Projects for access to education and healthcare for all through cheaper quality services, more schools and more healthcare centers;

Projects for free access to nutrition and healthcare in schools;
Projects for the development of infrastructures,
Projects for access to training, tools and machinery for small farmers through our Machine Tractor Stations;

Projects for the creation of an important number of cheaper higher distance education centers as ideal solution for Africa;

Projects for the protection of the environment, the uplifting of women status as well as income, the promotion of human rights, democratic values and the equitable distribution of national resources among citizens;

That African people must take their responsibility in dealing with poverty as never been so clear, because it does not mean what we always thought that one must wake up and work hard to find his/her way out of misery, something that we almost do everyday and does not mean more than working hard for a piece of a bread for the day in the context of Africa today; Responsibility is rather about hope; people for instance, being all together given the opportunity to pursue a great common goal through a strategic sustainable development plan that gives a direction, motivation and make sense to the ordinary people because dealing with their basic needs.

FAPI Africa invites families, individuals, donors, governments, businesses, friends of Africa and various other organizations to take advantage of a unique opportunity that we have to make poverty in Africa history.

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