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Putdown Palace Version 3.0

Another place to freely hate mike, or anyone else for that matter

Putdown Palace Version 3.0
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Please leave Marxism out of this. We both know it's a flawless political system.

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It has been noted that there was an error in the Marxism... I just expected better from a drity meatball like him... I am shamed by him.

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Spoken like a true asshole member of the Put down palace

however i think it should be noted that you had the wrong mark

the origin of that message stems from the owner of the BORPUS, Mark Carlucci

I think it's safe to say that you, Sturge, are now under Suspect

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OK, time to kick into the ass hole putdown palace mode here people. Mark, I'm disappointed in you. I don't recall if you were really a contributor to the orginal board but ignorance is no excuse. What the hell kind of putdowns were those? Now, I'm going to take it easy on you and ask the others to do the same but you really need to step up the harshness of your insults. "General Complaints" ??? Come on, I know you can do better than that, who's going to read a message with that kind of title? You know what the people want: T&A. Get your ass in gear and learn some good putdowns. I have compiled a list of people who may be willing to coach you: Dave, "The Pony Man", Andre, Ritch, Me, or even your girlfriend has been known to shoot out some harsh dry witt remarks.

Disrespectfully yours in P.P. tradition,