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En "ekumeniskt tillverkad" Jesus, den falske messias 'alpha'...

Alpha + Vatikanen = Sant....tyvärr.

(Det finns en mycket, mycket bättre "kurs" med den äkta 'alpha':
nämligen Hans Namn är Herren - ALPHA & OMEGA (hebr. Alef och Taw)- och Hans eviga Ord finns i den sanna Boken > Bibeln!)

Jag hittade på nätet ett mycket bra inlägg från en engelsk webb-sida, där folk verkar vara klara över förförelsen med Alpha:

"Alpha works hand in hand with Roman Catholic Churches. Nicky Gumbel has a close relationship with Roman Catholic leaders and has promoted them, and they (without fear of defections) in turn promote HTB's course.
If you go to the Alpha.org website you can even search for 'courses in a catholic context'. Alternatively you might not know where to go and simply run a search of all courses in your area to find out where you can learn about the Christian faith. If you live in the West Midlands you'll have the choice of all sorts of churches - including Roman Catholic and even Seventh Day Adventist.

How it must grieve God to see lost sheep being led to blind leaders. But it doesn't surprise me to see this happening.
Nicky Gumbel and HTB saw Alpha take off on the crest of the Toronto wave. In fact, I remember reading at the time him saying that the two go together. This is all part of the downgrade of the Gospel in our country - it's certainly not a Gospel revival.

The papacy is an evil, satanically inspired, counterfeit, leading countless millions to hell. The papacy hasn't changed. Political conditions means it can no longer oppress people physically but spiritually and doctrinally it hasn't changed.

The last pope was buried in a coffin engraved with a cross. Next to it was an engraving of the letter M to signify his devotion to Mary. It's essential that Christians truly understand the Reformation, the history and errors of Rome and Christ's message which says 'Come out of her, my people, so that you will not share in her sins' (Rev 18:4)."


År 2004 var Nicky Gumble i Vatikanen för att möta påven:(se bilder nedanför)


Citat ur länken:

"The Catholic Church world-wide is embracing the Alpha Course as it is being run in Catholic Parishes in over 30 countries, including Japan and Singapore in Asia, and now Hong Kong!"


En annan "ekumeniskt tillverkad" Jesus som skall tilltala och sammanfatta alla religioner - den falske messias är på gång...

Re: En "ekumeniskt tillverkad" Jesus, den falske messias 'alpha'...

Ytterligare en länk som belyser Alpha:


Citat ur länken:

"Prominent Alpha Course speaker, Nicky Gumbel, recently visited and paid homage to the Pope.

It is a another clear indication of the endorsement the Roman Catholic church gives to the contents of the Alpha Course which is so popular with ecumenists.

It is also a clear indication of the erroneous character of the doctrines it promotes. That which has the imprimatur of the Pope cannot be accepted or trusted by the Christian.

From the first emergence of the “Alpha Course,” those who value orthodoxy have voiced their concerns. Many mocked them for doing so and claimed that they were jealous of its popularity. Who can now say that such criticisms were not well-founded?

Mr Gumbel – along with his wife Pippa and son Jonny, was presented to the Pope by “Father” Raniero Cantalamessa, Preacher to the Papal Household, at the end of a General Audience in the Paul VI Audience Hall in the Vatican.

“Father” Raniero has been a friend since the two men met at a conference in Frankfurt in 1999. Also introduced was Kitty Arbuthnott, head of Alpha for Catholics, who presented the Pope with a painting of the Prodigal Son by artist Charlie Mackesy, whose drawings illustrate the Alpha manuals."

"Den som har öron, han höre...!"

Re: En "ekumeniskt tillverkad" Jesus, den falske messias 'alpha'...

Hej Elisabeth

Tack för länkar--
Bra att du belyser
denna koppling till
katolska kyrkan

Hittade nu också
Här finns också om Alpha , Nicky Gumbel och

Enligt vad jag läst på denna sida så
invigdes faktiskt denne Nicky Gumbel till något
som liknar Toronto andligheten redan mer än
tio år tidigare än Toronto väckelsen bröt ut !

"Gumbel received what looks a lot like the 'Toronto' spirit
more than a decade before Toronto itself did, and he jumped
at the chance to promote the 'Toronto Blessing' (TB) when it
finally arrived on the scene"

"He immediately modified the Alpha talks to incorporate,
among other things, the following well-known testimony
of how Eleanor Mumford, of South-West London Vineyard,
channeled 'the Blessing' to HTB through him: # "Ellie Mumford
told us a little bit of what she had seen in Toronto ... then she said
'Now we'll invite the Holy Spirit to come' and the moment she said that,
one of the people there was thrown, literally, across the room and was
lying on the floor, just howling and laughing ... making the most incredible noise ...
I experienced the power of the Spirit in a way I hadn't experienced for years,
like massive electricity going through my body." Talk 9 Edn.1
(from The Powers Behind The Alpha Course Part 1:
The Powerful Mge Bayith Ministries)

Re: En "ekumeniskt tillverkad" Jesus, den falske messias 'alpha'...

Problemet med trolldom finner vi redan i 1Mosebok om "ormen" som på hebreiska heter × ×—×©× - 'nachash' och som har samma verbrot som ordet "förtrollning" - ('nachash'). Ormen "viskade" och förtrollade....
De egyptiska trollkarlarna var också kapabla att utföra 'mirakel':

Exo 7:8 "Och HERREN talade till Mose och Aron och sade: "När Farao talar till eder och säger: 'Låt oss se något under', då skall du säga till Aron: 'Tag din stav och kasta den inför Farao', så skall den bliva en stor orm."
Då gick Mose och Aron till Farao och gjorde såsom HERREN hade bjudit. Aron kastade sin stav inför Farao och hans tjänare, och den blev en stor orm.

Då kallade också Farao till sig sina vise och trollkarlar; och dessa, de egyptiska spåmännen, gjorde ock detsamma genom sina hemliga konster: de kastade var och en sin stav, och dessa blevo stora ormar. Men Arons stav uppslukade deras stavar."

Det finns ockulta krafter där ute och därför måste man hålla sig mycket nära till det nedskrivna PROFETISKA Ordet, för att inte den gamle ormen (numera > draken) skall bedra oss.