Non-Traditional Student Bravenet Forum

The Message Forum is a place for Non-Traditional students to get answers and explore all kinds of subjects with other Non-Traditional students.  Feel free to post new threads and new subjects. Enjoy.

You may travel or travel back to the Non-Traditional Student website or the Non-Traditional Student Yahoo group at any time.

Non-Traditional Student Message Boards
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Forum Rules - please read - plus a message from the Moderator

Hi everyone! This forum is for nontraditional students or people who want to help them. Please do not have your posting just be an ad - I will have to erase it.

Tell a little about yourself and your nontraditional journey - we would all like to learn about you and what you are taking. If you are a professional or just somebody who wants to help nontraditional students, let us know something about you too. Thank you!

I was a nontraditional student recently, and now I'm an advocate for nontraditional students.

You can get more help by going to these sites:

The Nontraditional Student website

The Nontrad Student blog

The Yahoo Nontrads group

@nontrads at Twitter

I look forward to getting to know you. See you soon!

E. Sheppard


The Bravenet Nontrad Forum