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I think that motivating myself to get back into school was something that was easy at first. I just MADE myself attend every class and do my best.

I think when I first went to college, I went through a period of just going to class when I felt like it. My grades showed it, too, and I had to work really hard to raise them back up.

I ran into some people at school this time who would skip. I don't know if they got good or bad grades because they wouldn't tell me.

Some tended to blame the teacher if the work was hard. I guess since I was paying for the class, I figured I had better try to get something out of it.

It was more or less a change of heart - and attitude.

I honestly did have to try harder to make friends in class, too... when you are older, people think that you are not interested in being friendly. You sometimes have to made a big effort, but it's worth it.

Re: Motivation...

I just recently began school again...Thinking i was having some kind of mid life crisis which turns out to be a mid carreer crisis.

I have no trouble making friends or going to class most of the time, my biggest problem is just the nagging feeling of i started too late.

I feel as if i waited too late to begin to figure out what i wanted to be when i "grew" up. Granted i have a degree and agressively pursuing another and i'm only 32(which seems old compared to the 18yrs olds that's got it together)

-Now i feel like i'm rambling-
Anyway sometimes i think i should just quit because i've missed my chance to be all that i can be but for some reason i can't (as if some outside force beyond my control is guiding me) And at 32 it's way too late to try and get myself together now.

Re: Re: Motivation...

I disagree! I think you should go on. I went back to school lots later and I'm glad I did. But I can understand why you feel like quitting. It is harder to go back as a nontraditional student, I think. They have so much more to deal with.