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BlackIssue Forum
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Somebody that has thought and researched inner-city Gentrification tell me what we as blacks need to do! Here in Chicago, many are getting excavated from inner-city dwellings to make room for renovated communities and more financially stable residents. This means- straight up- that blacks are being kicked out and whites in. Why can't we demand that you not only allow us to stay in our area, but also, that you provide renovated and affordable housing for us. The problem will still be a problem if they just move blacks from the city to the burbs. What really needs to happen is job-placement and support of the blacks in their communities, contrary to moving them to areas of perpetuated inferiority and deprivation. Who has thought about this...Who is doing something about it?

What even bothers me more is that Jessie is right here in this city, and as far as I am concerned, the Reverend has not done anything to rectify this issue. We say that Bush cares more about Iraq than domestic issues, but things like this make me also wonder about the agenda of our black leaders. This is in Jessie's and in his daughter in law's (a Chicago Alder-woman) back yard!

Somebody help me think through this issue!