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A protest to get blacks out! Should this National Front march be permitted?

Surrey Quays South East London will be the host of the annual National Front March with a theme of "Get the blacks out"

Should marches like this be permitted?
We have contacted the police who say they are powerless to stop the march due to the Freedom of Expression Act.

Share your opinion with others whats your opinion?

Re: A protest to get blacks out! Should this National Front march be permitted?

This is a joke, this should never be aload to take place.

It says so much about the country we live in

Re: A protest to get blacks out! Should this National Front march be permitted?

You are right...

Of course they should not be allowed to march however this is England where you have freedom of speech unless you want to talk about how racist this country really is...

I will see if I can get some footage of the march if it is safe...

Forget about this stuff the black community (ha ha ha) needs unity, cohesion and a manifesto for equality...

Keep hope alive....Julia

Re: A protest to get blacks out! Should this National Front march be permitted?

i am not sure what this march is suppose to signify. we here in the united states also go through racist incidents and situations, case and point Imus the radio host was just fired because our black leaders and the community decided enough was enough. we as ethnic people must get organized in a non-violent fashion to let people of any country know that we are not whipping posts. so there it is this is not only one countries issue this is the entire world issue.

Re: A protest to get blacks out! Should this National Front march be permitted?

We are a people who are of no use to ourselves let alone others.

Please do not get me wrong. Thisis how they see us.

These people are go getters, they master all and everything, and have mastered all and everything.

We are supposed to be God's people yet, we cannot even master self let alone a dog!

When something is of no use to you, you get rid of it. And that is what is happening now. Have you not noticed, how they are bringing their cousins from Europe to sell coffee in Starbucks? This is the EU!

If we would only sort ourselves out, you would be amazed at how people from others cultrues would then view us and respect us. So until we get OUR ACT TOGETHER, we will not be seen of any use to anyone other than being high tech slaves.


Re: A protest to get blacks out! Should this National Front march be permitted?

Have you actually met one of these oafs from the National Front?

I have and I can assure you that they are nothing more than hyenas who only feel brave when they're in packs. I'm against marches like these but it's nothing more than posturing. They're trying to revive a supposed "Golden Age" of whiteness which, actually, never even existed.

They're "protesting" about the erosion of their correct way of life. WHAT A LAUGH. If it wasn't for us, this society would NOT be enriched in the way it is.

Trust me, they are that the last burning embers of a fire. These marches aren't a show of strength but desperate outcry to show that they still exist and are (somehow) relevant in today's society.

Stand strong and stand together. These guys are going nowhere fast.