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Street Dreams???

Grandmas are doing crack. Grandpas, dads, uncles, and cousins are in jail. Moms working two jobs; just to, make ends meet. So, who raises the kids?? The Street???

In ancient times, tribal elders would take young men and women; out into the bush. A small community would be built. Young women, unto themselves; and young men the same. Then, the elders would teach: teaching history; how to hunt, fish and farm; how to transact business; taught, foreign languages, and diplomacy; how to build private dwellings, for their future families; how to cook; and, even proper marital relations.

All, young men, were taught how to fight. Since these youth, were full of themselves, and longed for battle; the elders would give them staffs and spears; shields and small swords: saying to them, “You are now, our warriors; you will protect us, and our way of life.”

All, young women, were taught child care, herbal healing, and how to prepare healthy meals: meals, with ingredients, that would make the people strong.
After all these things and more, the initiates, would be returned to society. No longer children, but, young men and women: fully skilled, as contributors to the community. But, this is just the beginning, of their journey. They are not, fully adults, yet.

Should not young men and women, [of all races and creeds] be initiated into adulthood, this way???

I SAY YES. For if responsible individuals, within our community, don’t; the exploitive and wicked will.

Society, then, can not judge the result. For their input is sought,…..NOW!!!

Churches and new community organizations, must pick up, where the family and public school system has fallen.

We must stop, just, throwing our children to the wind; while, expecting the positive.

We must plant good seed. For our future, depend on it’s fruit.[]