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Should smacking be used as a form of discipline?

Zero-Tolerance approach to smacking.
Is this right for our children?
by L Bedeau

The NSPCC is calling shops to do more to stop parents from smacking their children with a new campaign asking retailers to adopt a zero-tolerance approach.

We ask the question “Is this right for the black family”? In our culture to give a smack is a useful form of discipline, many have argued that the situation today of our young men today dieing in the streets can in part be blamed on their up bringing and lack of discipline.

Many parents have bought into the idea that smacking their child is a terrible act and choose not to do it. I do not advocate abusive behaviour but I do advocate controlled discipline of our children which should include smacking as one form of discipline.
The Government and the NSPCC although trying to do the right thing in protecting children from abusive parents must find a balance of what is acceptable and what is not. We are all different and in many cases smacking for some children or the thought of getting a smack is the only thing that will deter them from doing wrong. For some a simple talking to, or the withdrawal of everyday privileges like, grounding, no TV, no play-station etc… will do.

But the fact remains that only some of our children will benefit by this Zero tolerance approach sought by the NSPCC. For many this will lead to a life down the wrong path simply because they have never been taught to respect and know right from wrong.

I urge the NSPCC to re-look at this Zero-Tolerance campaign because in some cases they will be doing more harm than good. Good controlled discipline is needed especially in today’s society, our young need to be set boundaries which will help shape their lives for the positive.

Re: Should smacking be used as a form of discipline?

If we don't smack our kids, today; some in authority, will gladly do so, tomorrow.

Re: Should smacking be used as a form of discipline?

I hold fast to the old saying spare the rod and spoil the child look at the state of our children today running around without any fear of consequences for their actions.

Yes smack a child when he/she has done wrong when they are younger so when they grow they can tell the difference between right and wrong

Re: Should smacking be used as a form of discipline?

As a child I was smacked. Not only by parents but by school teachers as a form of discipline. At the time I didn't agree with it. Most children wouldn't, but I believe it made children of my generation more respectful to their elders. I do understand why it is not allowed as some adults go far beyond a meer smack, which turns into abuse. But I still believe that a quick sharp shock from a smack will deter any child from disbehaving. And I feel our black youths will thank us for it in the long run. If it stops them going down the wrong path.