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African Polygamy hidden in NYC as well!

Polygamy in usual, done in error again by the men folk:

Yet you asks yourself, how better are the monogamous folks doing it in the US? Number 1 ranked country for divorced and never married women.


Can one imagine a large group of single American women, of all adult ages, marching in front of an all-male residential YMCA building or homeless shelter of over 250 men in a very big city in the US? With signs with words shouting out over a loudspeaker/megaphone. Calling on all the straight men to come out of their perverted living situation to return home to the women and children! Women pleading with the sane males to please return to manhood! To face up to the responsibilities and rewards of sleeping nightly next to the warm soul and temple of a woman.
I can see the women in front of the homeless shelters with bar soap, face rags, hair clippers, new bluejean outfits, deodorants, cologne, new shoes, tables setup for near instant HIV testing results and criminal background checking applications pre-paid, checking/savings account opening applications, job applications and print-outs of a monthly household budget plan.
Yes too, I can see the feminists element on the other side of the street protesting the women seeking mates/husbands/fathers to return home.
The US govt would not be too happy either. As such acions by traditional US family-oriented women would be seen as anti-nuclear family in these "modern" times.