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Just Because We Can

We live in a New Age. An age, were the great grandchildren, of a once moral nation, have become godless.

Medicine treats, but rarely cures. The legal and political system, is often for, the moneyed. And, our institutions of learning, prepares one to dream; but, not to think.

We live in a time where one must do, more and more, research; before consulting a professional. The great devices we create, to protect, entertain, or assist; sometimes are used nefariously.

Just because we can, does not mean we should.

The books titled 1984, or Brave New World; reveal a world where a fascist state rules.
However, the age we are coming into, is more tragic. For it will be ruled by individuals who pervert, peep, and persecute. Am I talking about our national or world governments?

NO !!! I am talking about, we the people.

A healthy populace, should put up a healthy society; but, a sick society will create a civilization of confusion, madness, and mayhem. The next thing is anarchy and death.

We are in an age were cameras and information, are being acquired and manipulated; by individuals, that do not have our welfare in mind. We are creating productive, but, lethal devices and compounds; that are falling into, unlawful hands.

Where am I going with this?

Let me take you on a ,brief, journey. One has an acquaintance, named Tryina; Tryina B. Wright.

Within a month, while at a bus stop; Tryina, has looked up at an apartment window, and noticed a lens looking back. A young male was behind that lens. On a later date, she found a phone cam, secretly snapping her image. Another young man, was it’s owner. She never would have known; but, a female passenger had caught her eye. This passenger was observing, the guy next to Tryina. He was click, click, clicking away. What can one do? Who’s webpage, does she adorn.??

Recently, Ms. Wright, was talking on the phone. As she was talking, she noticed that someone, upstairs, was not moving. Had not moved, for 2 hours. After completing the call. She moves to her bedroom. Foot falls, creep up behind her; but overhead. Quickly she darts, back into the living room; and is shadowed, from above. She stands still. Someone creeps, directly above her; then refuses to move. Life goes on, but, this cat and mouse game; does as well.

Since then, she has cut off, the gospel music; she played, permanent in the background.

Then it began again: the foot falls. She noticed that they could, somehow, follow her throughout the apartment.

HOW DO THEY KNOW WHERE, I AM AT, she would think.

When she would move, one could hear them, ?scanning?, until directly above.

Then they would stop. Who would believe this? This is straight out, of a science fiction movie. And she knew her upstairs neighbors weren’t, that savvy. Or, maybe they were. It was she, who was out of the loop.

She later reads, a Michigan law or case; that discussed, hidden cameras, found in apartments and locker rooms. So she placed a cloth over the living room
vent. To her surprise she hears ,something, being pulled out of the
floor. The next day, she places a cloth over her bedroom
vent; hearing the same thing. {She blew her top, and called the Police.}

The police were told, everything she suspected. To her dismay, the police officer was sarcastic and not really, interested in investigating further. Leaving it to her, to information gather. [Note: Who has the time to work a job, plus, prove a case.] Also, to her dismay, the officer went on to state: “she was saying, science fiction. That their was no such thing, as …hand held tracking devices." Tryna’s mouth dropped.
What was she to do?

Are there not 7 or more such devices at: ? Are not motion detectors, regularly available, at sites like: ??

Once again, who cares what the military, police, and other officials have at their disposal. They are used to protect the public. It is we the people. Must we be able to acquire access to every device? Just because we can, does not mean we should.

Especially, website empowered; perverts: whose only life....

is your life.