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What can single moms do to prevent their daughters falling into the sex industry

What can single moms of teenage girls do to prevent their daughters from being exploited by the billion dollar sex industry? 

Re: What can single moms do to prevent their daughters falling into the sex industry

I was once a single mother (for 20yrs).

I have a daughter who is self employed and is now a teacher in her profession.
My son is 19 yrs old and at college.

Guess what? It took ME TO CHANGE my attitude and set a good example as a good role model for my children.

My whole time as a single mother, I thought I was doing good for them. I made sure they had food, clothes and toys etc as they grew up. However, the friends that I kept, the way I lived, the conversations I had in my home and around my children was bringing me down in the minds of my children.

MY WORLD of motherhood was all my children knew. And often times, they would suggest something to me. To make their lives better, but I would (as a mother does) disregard, tell them they knew nothing, they were only children, what could they possibly know etc, etc etc. You know mothers what I am talking about.

All of this was out of hate, anger and frustation for the situation I was in.

Our behaviour in relations to a single mother who has no man, wants a man, needs a man, thinks that without a man in her life sexually - she cannot survive.

But how does she view sex? What is sex? Is it the be all and end all of a single woman's life?

We share our sexual lives with our daughters, by having different men come into the home at all times of the night. They hear our sexual sessions. We speak about them nfront of our daughters. Because of the seriousness of our single life, we make, man, money and sex to be the focus.



I have found these questions out for myself. And based on that, ny children have changed their attitude too.

I know for sure tht there is a law -LAW OF ATTRACTION. you are what you attract.

With me cleaning up, I have a wonderful husband, who treasures me immensly. So by cleaning up, I attracted what I was at that time. Positive thinking, fast moving, job hunting person. I got rid of 'freinds', cleaned up my house, and made a presentable HOME FOR MY FAMILY, no longer living in a hostel.

There is so much more to this. But I will stop here.


Re: What can single moms do to prevent their daughters falling into the sex industry

let them know to value their body and love theriselves and teach them the importance of a man even though none was around to help raise them, just basically respect theirselves and demand it from men and women alike.