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Do black men and women go through the same level of racism and victimization?

Do we face the same level of racism and victimization? At a recent group meeting among brothers, the point was brought up that sistahs don't always understand what a brother has to face on a day to day basis because they compare it to what they have to deal with.

Re: Do black men and women go through the same level of racism and victimization?

THe correct answer is NO!
To many times Black women allow themselves to be used sexaully by the white man. The reason he will hire Blck women first is that he can have sex with her. It's the same olf slavemaster thing.
Believe it or not too many Black women allow it as well. I have seen it in the workplace, you see it on the evening news, and look at the other venues of life. Television, politics, and corporations are all stages for the play of this scenario.
No, Black males are definitely more discriminated against. As Fahrrakhan said, she is downtown at the office, whild he can't find a job, and she is playing games with Whitey.

Carl Binion-Detroit

Re: Do black men and women go through the same level of racism and victimization?

Oh please. That's a cruel thing to say about black women. I don't know any black women who were hired so they could give out sexual favors.

Maybe black women act more intelligent so they get treated better??