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Do you support black businesses in your area?

In most black communities, you will find many Asian businesses flourishing off of our money. In many cases these business owners look down on the black community and see us as a cash cow.

So why is it, we still find it difficult to support black businesses which are often run by young black entrepreneurs trying to make a difference?

Re: Do you support black businesses in your area?

In Detroit it's the Middle Easterners. It's the Arabs. I support Black business as much as possible. I only buy Gas and groceries at Black stores. No one in the area owns a department store or an appliance store so I must go to the suburbs on that one.
I have heard it said that the dollar goes into our pockets and right out to the white community. We do not circulate it in our own neighborhoods.
We need to be more like what Bobby Seale used to speak of in the 1960's, COMMUNITY_BASED ECONOMICS.
If you don't put money into your own area, then who is supposed to create or get a job?
Carl- Detroit.

Re: Do you support black businesses in your area?

I am a 24yr old white male I support both white and black business as long as its Americans I am in support of there business. Primarily most of my friends are black and as a business owner myself all of my black friends are way more supportive to my business than my white friends. I like to shop and eat were the service and the food is good. I know that most white people dont support or shop black owned business but I do and everyone who knows me respects me because I respect pretty much everyone.

Re: Do you support black businesses in your area?

I am glad you are a open-minded Caucasian person, and I would like to support all business in America, but for a Black person "American" is not the issue. We have been at a disadvantage in this country since we have been here.
We did not come over voluntarily on immigration vessels, but were brought over on slave ships in horrible conditions. We have never been treated equally. I want want to add that White Americans CLAIMS to be CHRISTIAN, but does nothing in the Bible toward Black people. The books of Moses, the first five books of the Bible say you are supposed to welcome the stranger, feed the poor and give everyone a fair chance who comes to live in your country.
I support Black business since very few whites are like you. Most Whites only shop in their own neighborhoods and claim to be AFRAID to come into the Black community. That is just an excuse since many Whites, not all, do not want Blacks on a truly equal standing in America. This will not change and I have no hope of it changing.
I am glad you are different. The real point is that you or anyone else is not due any extra brownie points for doing what should be done anyway.
I do commend you for being more progressive than other whites though.
I wish I could say the same for all, then the word AMERICAN would truly mean something.
America is going to