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BlackIssue Forum

This forum is for discussing issues affecting the black community.

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BlackIssue Forum
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Reparations Or Self Examinations

While we are waiting for the resources, that are long over due; we, as a race of people, should take advantage of all the opportunities offered. Many of our brothers and sisters, from nations near and far, come here with nothing; came from nothing, yet within ten years are out the ghetto. All this while we sit and watch.

We were a colonized and enslaved people for 400 years.
What were we doing, for 6,000 years before that.

We were building thriving societies, that the whole world envied; and still do to this day.

It is time for us to un-learn, and re-learn.

If we don't. Others will. Then our children, will be forced, to serve them too. []