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Bill Bennett asserts that aborting black babies would reduce crime

Bill Bennett asserts that aborting black babies would reduce crime.

These remarks are not only extremly racist but disgraceful. For anyone to make a comment like this about black babies in my opinion needs their head examining.

whats your opinion

Re: Bill Bennett asserts that aborting black babies would reduce crime

I am not a violent man but when you read comment like this it really makes my blood boil.

Re: Bill Bennett asserts that aborting black babies would reduce crime

Who the hell does this man think he is. Why is it White people try to blame us for all their problems.
Now they go as far as blaming blacks for the crime rate, and the only solution is to abort all black babies. I cannot describe how outraged i am about this.

This is a great site

Re: Bill Bennett asserts that aborting black babies would reduce crime

White people do not try to blame us for all their problems. To them we are expendable. They have made themselves our enemy. I thought that black people would have learned that lesson by now.

A person who won't acknowledge their enemy does not deserve freedom. White people are trying to kill us and give you "heaven" as quickly as they can. do you not see that they are preparing their people worldwide for a race war? Can black people be so stupid until they do not see that we are being hunted and they are using other blacks as bait.

There is a new type of slavery on the horizon and it is coming through religion. Jim Jones in the 1970's was just and example. 913 Jesus worshippers died. This time there will be many more.

The whole world is changing and black people are looking to Malcolm X and Martin Luther King. Dead men cannot help the living.

Most black people are stagnated looking to dead people and their dreams. It was ONLY a dream it was not a vision. It is time for the entire black population to wake up and stop looking to the past for comfort. There is none there. If you look to the past at all look and see how gullible we have been. Look and see how we have been taught to hate ourselves. Look have we have been taught to be ashamed. Look how we have been taught to:

1. Call our oppressors god
2. Pray to our oppressors
3. Pay tithes to our oppressors
4. Forgive our oppressors when they are trying with everything in them to destroy us.
5. Worship our oppressors
6. Look to our oppressors for help
7. Think like a slave without visible chains

In the end we remain powerless while our oppressor becomes more powerful daily.

Why does racism still exist? Because 90% of the entire black population is comfortable with the situation. Before there can be any change we have to look at ourselves and invoke change. Black people are not willing to do this. The preferred method is to look to the dead...after all dead people do not complain about the living.

There needs to be change!!! When the bible speaks of "light" conquering the "darkness" who do you think that it is talking about? it is talking about you and me!!! I suggest that black people began to do some serious research. when the "bible" was translated into English black people were not allowed to read it. The bible has been interpreted for blacks. Blacks do not have a clue what this book really means. They just blindly follow it.

The choice is yours...wake up or be led to the slaughter as your ancestors were in times past.

Rev. T Shepherd
The Eternal House of Seremony

Re: Bill Bennett asserts that aborting black babies would reduce crime

Bill Bennett you are a Disgrace to the human race, to suggest aborting babies to solve a problem says a lot about what type of man you are.
Nuff Said.