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Why are Black women in America affraid of POLYGAMY?

After all, it is being done in nearly all other parts of the world with large Black populations(closeted or out in the open) despite the negative views of followers of new testament bible beliefs/practices. Blacks are sneaking and practicing it even in some of the European countries, as new immigrants.
Ironically, US Black women see nothing wrong with their daughters having sexual relations with boys before they reaching even 16 years old. They see nothing wrong with having children out of wedlock, even while in high school. Shacking, high levels of divorce, going with men whom are chronically unemployed, waiting for men doing time in jail for long periods, serial relationships, etc.
So what is wrong with polygamy, to stop so many of the women from crying about there are no good men left for courtship and marriage. "All the good ones are taken", a common saying among single women over 25 years old(normally with children already).

Re: Why are Black women in America affraid of POLYGAMY?

I dont think that all black women in America are afraid of polygamy. Its just not practiced in the African- American culture. ALSO, its not allowed that a man should have more than one wife. A-American women (some) dont want to settle for just being the mistress they want the full benefits of being a wife. SO why do it if they wont reap any of the benefits. It would just be more sex of of wedlock.

Re: Why are Black women in America affraid of POLYGAMY?

Message from a Black Black Man

First, I want to give a shoutout to some of my QueenLadies Dr. Francis Cress-Welshing, Sharazad Ali and the president of Liberia! Now to the topic:

The Black women are not thinking and are mentally/spiritually led by our colorless oppressors. Since capture on the shores of Africa, throught the ride of the Middle Passage, from the time of being released off the plantations with bibles in hand(slave obey your master/turn the other cheek/you will get your reward in Heaven), from the times of heavy domestic work centered around taking care of the palefaced woman's house and children for income, surviving the massive drug influx put in the Black community in the early 70s up to now by the white mutant outside leadership to destroy the Black family-extended family structures, all the way up to right now. Doing the same domestic work in corporate offices of the palefaced, colorless male, after 1st gaining college degrees today, as we speak. In America, the Black woman is the ONLY race of woman that must leave her community each day to go work for another race of man to earn a living for her family.

True too, the Black male has not redeemed himself with his women folk up to this moment. But that is a whole different topic, let us stick to the women for now.

Now pardon me, as I will jump around on this subject.

Black women are not thinking in general. They are a group of blinded followers of mutant albino male leadership worldwide. Mentally drunk on the white boy's religion(bible) that was not created for Black people, whom were civilized long ago. It was created for white people/mutants, so uncivilized when the bible was written. Black women in white societies are programmed socially and sub-consciously aware that they can not face a massive, colorless police and military body. Unprotected by their own men folk for so long now, they have given up on the Black man any place on Earth. Including Africa, at a much slower pace.
Black women are not thinking, dumbed down by 24/7 mental suppression by the colorless media, religion and miseducation school system. Black women have turned their backs on their old, traditional African culture and heritage and use the excuse whites stole such from us and we can not get it back. An excuse to be lazy concerning SELF, a no-work solution. The truth is anyone can enslave you physically and mentally but none can truly enslave you SPIRITUALLY. I say such to say this: There is NO Black person on Earth, who's Ancestors were enslaved and removed from their homes, families, tribes, clans, country and continent in the long ago past whom can not find their African extended family, clan and tribes(paternal & maternal) in Africa today, right now. No, you do not need the white boy's help or the DNA testing solution either. All you have to do is tap into your own SPIRIT for direction. As your African family awaits your return right now in Africa. Please too do not waste my time with discussions about how many other "races" are in your family. I am talking about your spirit not your DNA. Now I asks you, who is more spiritual in the Black family, the male or the female? Hint: In American Black churches, 3/4ths of the members are Black women.
The Black woman has turned her back on one of her most powerful institutions globally...AFRICAN POLYGAMY. The institution that gives a Black woman THE GREATEST INDIVIDUAL FREEDOM ON EARTH and yet keeps her insulated in a large family-extended family framework surrounded by massive economic development. Get this, the lack of it is the very reason more and more married and single women in America today are killing their children and then being put in insane asylums. Remember this Black women, it is no accident that white leadfership in their societies made polygamy illegal. They knew Black people were best at it and it would give Blacks, in such societies, far easier access to catch and pass up the richest white families in that society. Again, Black women are not thinking, anti the most true sisterhood.
Two last views and I am out of here. Blacks in America have the greatest access to the internet(free in US public libraries). We use such to chat, find mates, view porno(another anti-family building ploy), play video games and download music/movies. The Black woman, the focal point of the family, the glue, is not thinking. It is the creation of the internet that can ressurect Black extended family in the Americas first and later tie us back into Africa. Teleconferencing on the internet weekly(, bi-weekly or monthly with one's family members nationally beats out a family reunion once every 2 or 4 years easily. Creating an easy solution to heal one's extended family, protecting the elderly and the the youth plus building an extended family wealth-building strategy/support system in a social services weakening Amertica society( Black women are you thinking? Free your minds, respect yourselves.
Finally, as an African American male, you can sit me in Africa, place high-speed internet access(DSL, WiFi) in my home(s) in Africa, get 7 African wives(differnet Afr countries/tribes) whom were born from polygamous families and step back. I will train each woman how to use the internet on a high level and their obligation to me, their husband, is this...FOREX! Each will give me 4 hours a day online(2 hours on and 10 hours off 2 hours on another 10 hours off) for 5.5 days aweek; the amount of time FOREX is open weekly worldwide. Now the 10 hours they, the wives, will be off-line, they can do what income producing trade/vocation they like. All I asks is no outside"jobs" or participation in foreign religions(christianity, islam, etc.), no cooked hair, no bleaching cremes, no pants wearing, no smoking or drinking and be home by sundown. After every 1 year, we will take a break and travel the world as a collective for 3 straight months(each wife picking about 2 weeks at her favorite location in the world, with the collective). In exchange, I guarantee, we will pass up Oprah's continually growing income/net worth within the next 10 years or less. My economic guidelines would be such: 1/4th of my women's daily income to the in-house family collective, 1/4th to herself, 1/4th to her parents-family and lastly 1/4th to her community(schools/hospitals/orphanages/Vodoun shrines).

Black women, are you thinking? To love SELF is to love God.

(Reincarnated Anlo Ewe Tribal Chief-Grandfather)

FOREX is the largest, truest financial market in the world. You can not do it part-time, if you want to be succesful. The Black man , like no other race of man on Earth, has the inside track on FOREX because of your African heritage/culture if you only tap into it? Black people CAN become a global force through the internet and FOREX as racism can not stop you. FOREX is too global and therefore out of white peoples hands.

All praises to the African Gods, Goddesses, Ancestors and Spirits

Re: Why are Black women in America affraid of POLYGAMY?

Nigerians, always the best foreign-influnced mimics in West Africa. If foreign ideas are toxic to Africa, it is Nigerian that will go abroard and bring them back home in abundance(street level drug dealing, pornography, 419 internet scams, international prostitution, etc.).

Re: Why are Black women in America affraid of POLYGAMY?

Why would a Black woman volunteer to be an additional wife? What would she benefit? Especially for those women who don't purposely man share? Why are some non-AA men scared of monogamy?

Re: Why are Black women in America affraid of POLYGAMY?

Can the advocator of polygamy tell me if he knows first hand what polygamy can do to a family?
It's so funny that African American who has never seen the inside of Africa aside from CNN preaches about something he knows nothing about.

Polygamy has destroyed many families from the inside out because of each person trying to hold on to his position in the family. This I know on a first hand basis.

In this day and age polygamy is not something that should be seen as a solution it’s been done like communism does not work.

FYI am over 25 no children and very educated why will i want to share a husband when i know the issues it brings

Re: Why are Black women in America affraid of POLYGAMY?

For you local-minded women so full of emotions and euro "education":
I have been dealing with Africa for decades. Traced my family bloodlines paternally/maternally back to West Africa decades ago. I have been to Africa many times; also staying with my maternal tribe longterm. I have had a house in West Africa for years now. Will buy some more land this year, have African wives IN AFRICA now(who do you think is in my house?). Will be in Africa for over 3/4ths of 2007, building up my number of wives and developing a serious level of family and extended family foundation building.

I tire of hearing from US insecure, manless women with all of your selfish, anti-family logic, anti-male in charge unless he is invisible, white jesus attitudes, all-about-me selves. Many of you, as the US economy continues to worsen will servive only by doing a large group move, meaning as you call it, "man sharing". You also will wish you had another living location outside your present country to choose from, just in case. No matter how much you hate Black males, you will submit regardless.
Now, you naysayer women, what are your experiences in Africa, do you even own a passport? Have you visited Africa as more than just a 2 or 3 week tourist? Do you know where your people are in Africa right now directly? I am not talking about via that new, inferior DNA tracing mess either. Are you in a financial position where you do not need a job or need a turn-key business? Are your assets out-weighing your liabilities/debts?
Since this is still a man's world, what you don't like plenty of other women will run to.
The Black male is in the BEST position in the world among all men, including the muslims, regarding women. If one has the common sense to think outside the box.

Waiting "educated", single women, detractors...waste my time further. I like showing your faulty logic to my women in Africa. As you help make my efforts much easier. Bring it...

Re: Why are Black women in America affraid of POLYGAMY?

Before you have to trace your DNA, to determine where in West Africa you are from. I already i'm west African i know wher i'm from and my line so i do not need DNA to tell me i grew up there so i know wher am from. As for having a passport i have two.....

It really bothers me when Afro-Americans trys to educated an African on their background.

Re: "raven"?

First of all, you whom say you are Africa-born and raised, show a lack of social manners. I have not heard an apology regarding your saying I know nothing about Africa nor have I been there? Waiting. Secondly, what is your real name, not the colonized/plantationized name of raven you carry? Also, if you are Africa-born, which African country did you escape from and how? Why also, if you are Africa-born, do you come online and act as if the christian missionaries have erased polygamy from the African continent? Even you in Africa that have been forece-feed islam have more than one islamic wife. Why do you wish to lie to the cyber masses? Is your mind owned by white christians or arab muslims, concerning a world view? Not to mention how you take my words online as specifically ONLY talking to you? Curb your emotions and lets get REAL. African polygamy is the ONLY thing that will resurrect the Black family & extended family in America and bring REAL wealth/options. A foundation that has been dead since the early 70s. Where you in the US then or even born? You, whom claim to be an Africa-born and yet attempt to disrespect your father-figure here. You and I know how valued your words would not be inside of Africa, standing in front of me, among the masses, if you were male or female. Here in the US, you could get away with such, young spirit. Is this why you have escaped Africa, you fear ORDER? So you hide behind the white boy's apron strings?
It also now is more clear to me why you failed to recognize, when I presented FOREX to the cyber masses here. Your rural missionary thinking is limited. The very reason Africa will go nowhere until the AWAKE African American males(Black men born in the Americas) return home. Now, waste not more of my time. I am online getting ready to give instructions to my African women(via right now. They know they will learn more from me in one year than spending 20 years in the white boy's educational institutions, any place on Earth. ====================================================
To the Afr. American male readers, most African women, especially in Africa, are not combatant as this one and a few others found on the net; as I once debated one on Blackplanet that had escaped to Canada from Somalia, as she/muslim was anti-Africa, she could be forgiven given her background(probably circumcised as well). The best ones are those raised from polygamous, traditional belief family systems. Such women are seldom on the net because they live in very rural settings mainly. It is the big city types in Africa, missionary victims, that escape to Europe or the US by any means necessary, that bring Blackmen the white feminists-lesbian philosophy. Waste not your time with such. Black people are not just full of self-hatred and low self-esteem in the Americas. Colonized Africans, living in artificial countries(borders draw up by invaders past) are still struggling internally to re-find themselves as well. Note: Anytime you find an Africa-born that calls you Afro or Black American in the US, that is an Africa-born person that has an inferiority complex and is trying to cover it up with a superiority complex at your expense(sounds like white peoples doesn't it); such a person views you as a slave/white man clone and feels you have no right to be a fellow African or enjoy the rewards the continent of Africa has to offer. Such a person is a closed-minded fool and knows NOTHING about traditional African belief systems. As your Ancestors in Africa await your AWAKE return African Americans. They love you when the closed-minded locals are too uneducated traditionally, thanks to the missionaries, to realize whom you are. AFRICA needs YOU more than the Americas ever could...come home(part or full-time)! Pay little attention to the weak ones that have ran away.


"Cameroon mass polygamous wedding

By Randy Joe Sa'ah
BBC News, Yaounde

Cameroon's government has organised a mass wedding of more than 50 couples, most already living polygamously.
Cameroon's first lady Chantal Biya offered gifts to the newly weds, mostly Muslim couples, at the all-expenses paid ceremony in the capital, Yaounde.

The women's affairs minister said the event was aimed at providing legal protection to concubines.

Many couples are choosing not to wed as they fear a wedding will be costly and to register the union costs up to $25.


More than 1,000 guests attended the festivities in the gardens of the National Museum on Thursday.

I have 17 children. All of us live together but each wife has her own kitchen
Groom, 47

In colourful attire, the couples took their seats under the giant canopies as loud music played.

Some of them carried their babies with them during the service.

A 47-year-old man said he was marrying three women at the ceremony.

"I have 17 children. All of us live together but each wife has her own kitchen," he said.

Women's Affairs Minister Suzan Mbombak said she hoped the event would encourage other unmarried women living with a partner to get legally wed.

She added that the children of such unions would than have more protection in the eyes of the law.

Story from BBC NEWS:

Published: 2007/01/12 12:24:23 GMT


Re: Why are Black women in America affraid of POLYGAMY?

Discussion on African Polygamy's relevance today in Africa.

Re: Why are Black women in America affraid of POLYGAMY?

black women should be afraid because of the rise we have in sexually transmitted disease and black women are more at risk of contracting than men. plus we don't want to share the already little attention that men give to us

Re: Why are Black women in America affraid of POLYGAMY?

OK so you've been oppressed all your life as a black man in America and have a new sense of freedom having newly discovered Africa. We all applaud you for making the move to Ghana where the government wants you to come and invest. Great. Now let me educate you. The chances of having a male or female child are 50/50. Perhaps if it was natural for men to have more than one wife the universe or God would have ensured that the chances of having a female or male child would be more like 20% male and 80% female ratio, i.e. 1:4. One male born for every 4 females born. So when they grow no man would be left partnerless. Having said that with your idea that polygamy is the answer to black american women or any woman for that matter is off base. What happens to all the other men when you and other polygamists like you have 3,4,5,6 or how ever many wives? Are the other men to go without wives as you and your kind have paid to have all the women to yourselves.

Bottom line it is all about domination. Domination by race, tribe, gender, social class etc. Poor women will marry anyone in order to be provided for. Poor boys will take money from men for sex too. After all what difference does it make if males like you are willing to pay for the "services" of women that you would not ordinarily be privy to if you didn't have a few dollars in your pocket to give to the poor women in Africa that you are paying to be with you.

Polygamy broken down is just another form of good old black man's pimping. If you can't do for yourself then prey on those weaker. Lest you forget, there was a time when white men truly dominated you as a black man (slavery)and let you know that he was superior because he had more brains, wealth and power than you.

We all know that your little US dollars make you seem like the "big man" over there. You are a nobody in the US and go to Africa to dominate poor women with your few dollars. How many of your wives have their own money? I dare say none. No educated, financially stable African woman will settle for a polygamous marriage. She doesn't have to. Just like black women in America don't have to. And as for protection that polygamy offers, what the hell are you talking about? Men have dominated women by raping them, beating them, taking their money, making sure they don't educate girls, etc. Oh dear this is all sounding very much like what happened to blacks during slavery! But now the victim (you) is prophesizing that it is ok for him to do the same to women. Weren't your ancestors beaten? Raped? Robbed? Forced to work for no pay? Prevented from reading? Etc, etc. And didn't the white man preach that he was saving you from yourself?

Black women don't need you saving them with polygamous marriages. See the problem again is about domination. If you don't feel good, you'll dominate someone else in order to. Every culture evolves and so is Africa's. Polygamy is on its way out as more African women become educated and have their own means of survival they will have no need for pimps/polygamists. Did you know that most young African MEN today don't want polygamous marriages? They grew up in homes like that and saw the pain their mothers went through. They don't even like their own half brother and sisters much less love them.

Please tell your readers in this generation how many female African doctors, lawyers, accountants, CEOs, engineers, senators, etc. are in polygamous marriages. Sorry, say again? I didn't hear you? Also tell the readers how many penniless African men have multiple wives. Sorry, say again? I didn't hear you? Oh! It looks to me like we have a financial arrangement here. You pay for the women you marry. The women are poor and so we have a glorified form of prostitution in the works. That's all. That simple.

By the way, behind your back Africans laugh at blacks like you clinging on and trying to be "African." (You know your kind with your kente cloth outfits, "new" African names, selecting an African village as your new "home" building little houses in Ghana, etc.) Africans from the same country and state but different tribes are so fiercely tribalistic that they will kill each other in present day tribal wars. Look at Kenya today, see Chad, see Rowanda, etc. You think an outsider black like you is of any consequence to them? You are not of the "tribe" and you don't matter. Same way you view women not part of the "male tribe" and of no consequence hence can be used for your needs.

Back to math, if it was meant for men to have 3, 4 or even 5 wives the universe would ensure that women had 3-4 female babies for each male baby. Or are you saying that the universe or your God only intended for some men to have wives while the others go without?

See while white men are busy using their big heads to steal Africa's oil and diamonds, creating the internet (that you brag about), air and space travel, microscopic surgery techniques, mapping the ocean floor, creating and identifying life destroying viruses, TRULY protecting their white women and children in a monogamous home, etc, etc, etc. unenlightened black men like you are busy being guided by their LITTLE heads to justify why it is ok dominate black women through misogynistic gangsta rap, fathering babaies everywhere, polygamy and prostitution. Like I said when you don't feel good you need to oppress others so that you do.

If you and other mentally defeated black males stopped worrying about your bruised egos and taking your pain out on black women by dominating and "collecting" as many of them as possible for status you might get the chance to make things better for the next generation of little black girls and boys. Instead black children grow up fatherless, the little boys get raped, the little girls get impregnated and their mothers are unable to cope without a supportive father around and the black family falls apart and so does the whole community.

Sadly by the way you sound it looks you'll keep living that life while making more and more babies that you can't suport and can't be there for while white men dictate, plan, implement and RUN the whole world. Your answer to this - run away to Africa and play the "big man" around unfortuate, uneducated, and unexposed African women who slave away for you for your few measley dollars.

PS - I'm an AFRICAN WOMAN and you are not of the tribe. So don't speak for us.

Re: Why are Black women in America affraid of POLYGAMY?

A topic worthy of debate; with great pros and cons.

If everyone is consenting, who are we to judge.

Many are doing it, un-officially, already: man sharing and women sharing. ?Having a 4th child by 20yrs of age; with no father in the home? ?Being a grandparent at 33; with, still, no official father figure. Who started this trend? Our children are suffering from neglect.

The whole system of marriage, and what age can marry, needs to be reevaluated. The old ways, have their merits. The family needs repairing, in America. Or there will be no America.

Once again, we are doing it anyway; just un-officially. Just as the author, Torgbi, has stated.

The real question is, when will marriage be sacred again? Also, what does the whole Bible state, concerning marriage?? Not just the new testament.