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Black men committing crimes once thought only white men did....WHY?

Child abduction and molestation, Serial Killings These were once crimes most in the black community would assume the crime was committed by a white man.
However things have changed there has been a dramatic rise in the above crimes being committed by Black Men.
Have Your say on WHY? you think this change has occurred

Re: Black men committing crimes once thought only white men did....WHY?

Many of the problems with black men in a white mans world is that we have allowed society to break down our family and extended family structure. This has led to ill disciplined youngsters who do not have pride in who they are, they have no morals and do not have a respect for life. If you do not have these things then to commit the most horrific crimes becomes easy.

I think the question should be how do we fix it?

Re: Black men committing crimes once thought only white men did....WHY?

I originally thought that this might be about 'white collar' crime however, the better question is, why is there a disproportionate amount of publicity surrounding black males commiting this type of deviency, when infinitely more white people, period, have committed these horrendous acts for decades?

Because we do not control the mass media which controls the masses thinking, we will never have an objective representation for the range of contributions we have made to any so called civilsed society. So it not that SO many of us are committing these crimes but rather the deliberate misinforamtion to con those without the ability to look at events factually and rationally to be conditioned into believing yet another disempowering stategy.

This type of crime has nothing to do with colour, so please don't let us make the mistake of 'owning' yet another stereotype.

Re: Black men committing crimes once thought only white men did....WHY?

Why should i commit to any woman. I am enjoying life at the moment and don't want to tie myself down to any one woman. The problem with many women is they are to emotional and like to dream about the perfect wedding when they have only been dating for 2 days ....joke, but a very short time.

Re: Black men committing crimes once thought only white men did....WHY?

I agree with Rio, the media puts a spotlight on any black man that has committed such crimes giving the impression that they are the ones mostly responsible for such crimes.
When crimes committed by there white counterparts do not receive the same level of media attention.

We need more of our own media to help strike a balance to what is being portrayed to the public.