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Would you move back to Africa or the Caribbean?

Many people have found life in the US and other Western countries too hard and have decided to move back to their homelands

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Re: Would you move back to Africa or the Caribbean?

If the right opportunity was to come along i would move back to St Lucia in a heart beat. You would not have to ask me twice.

Living in London is a Rat race i am fed up running.

So the anser to the question is YES, YES, YES.

Re: Would you move back to Africa or the Caribbean?

If anything I would move to the Caribbean. I know family and friends who are from there. As much as I would love to go to Africa, and I feel a connection to my people I would not go. I have encountered too many of them who do not consider us as part of them.
I would love to trace my ansestor back to what tribe I came from. I will one day.

Re: Would you move back to Africa or the Caribbean?

I am an African American male and have been to Africa many times; sat in plenty Vodou shrines and spoke with many deities, preists and priestesses(the very reason I do NOT follow mentally enslaving religions like christianity and islam). My wife is in my house and apartment in Africa right now...she is a very small waisted, very very BIG BOOTIED African woman and she makes me happier in so many ways(lovemaking inclunded) that MicroSoft CEO "ain't got nothin' on me!" I will be in Africa again this year. ALSO I do international business with African Black women ONLY. All over African continent, anywhere a plane touches down in Black African woman or women will be waiting to pick me up!
So unlike the masses in the US, ignorant of Africa, I am on a different page...I am a Global African unyielding. When I step up in Africa, you think I am a Black male version of Oprah!
In America, I am surrounded by Africa-born Black women(even married ones whom have African husbands) and am respected like the reincarnated African chief-grandfather I am. Africa-born women clean my house, make my food, etc. here in the US, as AfrAmerican sisters in my neighborhood step back and say nothing to me. Because they don't know how to approach such a mentally/spiritually developed Black male...they are used to "thugs wearing earrings, underwear showing, gym shoes untied, with prison records and hands folded across their chests talking to music about how bad a nig they are!"
A true global BLACKMAN stricks fear of the unknown in them! Thanks to no African family-extended family networking in the AfrAmerican community, since the early 1970s.
When I bring my African woman westward(only for her to have a global experience), we will live in the Caribbean, as I know American life will be to trying on her peaceful mindset/soul.

Re: Would you move back to Africa or the Caribbean?

If you had asked me 10 years ago if i would move back to the caribbean i would of said Hell No. But i have come to realise that the life many have in the Caribbean and Africa is a far better life than what we have in the UK. If i had the opportunity now i would go back. I

Re: Would you move back to Africa or the Caribbean?

I would move back in a heart beat. Africa is where I’m from and coming here was just a means to an end for me. The 1st opportunity that comes my way then i will be on my way back to Ghana hopefully to help effect change and better my country. More of us from Africa and the Caribbean need to do the same.

We cannot change the white mans world well lets change our own.

Re: Would you move back to Africa or the Caribbean?

Just give me a decent job and a plane ticket and i'm gone.
I think now is a good time to go back to the Caribbean or Africa as there is a Brain Drain in those regions.

Re: Would you move back to Africa or the Caribbean?

A lot of us would like to go back to our coutries and some of us as in my case been working towards that fo some time...

But we have to make jobs not take jobs and I think that is fundamental and working together with like minded people, especially in small countres like St Lucia which someone mentioned is crucial to doing that.

Re: Would you move back to Africa or the Caribbean?

I would move back to the Caribbean and Africa if I could.

Re: Would you move back to Africa or the Caribbean?

Message from a Black Black Man

First, I want to give a shoutout to some of my QueenLadies Dr. Francis Cress-Welshing, Sharazad Ali and the president of Liberia! Now to the topic:

The Black women are not thinking and are mentally/spiritually led by our colorless oppressors. Since capture on the shores of Africa, throught the ride of the Middle Passage, from the time of being released off the plantations with bibles in hand(slave obey your master/turn the other cheek/you will get your reward in Heaven), from the times of heavy domestic work centered around taking care of the palefaced woman's house and children for income, surviving the massive drug influx put in the Black community in the early 70s up to now by the white mutant outside leadership to destroy the Black family-extended family structures, all the way up to right now. Doing the same domestic work in corporate offices of the palefaced, colorless male, after 1st gaining college degrees today, as we speak. In America, the Black woman is the ONLY race of woman that must leave her community each day to go work for another race of man to earn a living for her family.

True too, the Black male has not redeemed himself with his women folk up to this moment. But that is a whole different topic, let us stick to the women for now.

Now pardon me, as I will jump around on this subject.

Black women are not thinking in general. They are a group of blinded followers of mutant albino male leadership worldwide. Mentally drunk on the white boy's religion(bible) that was not created for Black people, whom were civilized long ago. It was created for white people/mutants, so uncivilized when the bible was written. Black women in white societies are programmed socially and sub-consciously aware that they can not face a massive, colorless police and military body. Unprotected by their own men folk for so long now, they have given up on the Black man any place on Earth. Including Africa, at a much slower pace.
Black women are not thinking, dumbed down by 24/7 mental suppression by the colorless media, religion and miseducation school system. Black women have turned their backs on their old, traditional African culture and heritage and use the excuse whites stole such from us and we can not get it back. An excuse to be lazy concerning SELF, a no-work solution. The truth is anyone can enslave you physically and mentally but none can truly enslave you SPIRITUALLY. I say such to say this: There is NO Black person on Earth, who's Ancestors were enslaved and removed from their homes, families, tribes, clans, country and continent in the long ago past whom can not find their African extended family, clan and tribes(paternal & maternal) in Africa today, right now. No, you do not need the white boy's help or the DNA testing solution either. All you have to do is tap into your own SPIRIT for direction. As your African family awaits your return right now in Africa. Please too do not waste my time with discussions about how many other "races" are in your family. I am talking about your spirit not your DNA. Now I asks you, who is more spiritual in the Black family, the male or the female? Hint: In American Black churches, 3/4ths of the members are Black women.
The Black woman has turned her back on one of her most powerful institutions globally...AFRICAN POLYGAMY. The institution that gives a Black woman THE GREATEST INDIVIDUAL FREEDOM ON EARTH and yet keeps her insulated in a large family-extended family framework surrounded by massive economic development. Get this, the lack of it is the very reason more and more married and single women in America today are killing their children and then being put in insane asylums. Remember this Black women, it is no accident that white leadfership in their societies made polygamy illegal. They knew Black people were best at it and it would give Blacks, in such societies, far easier access to catch and pass up the richest white families in that society. Again, Black women are not thinking, anti the most true sisterhood.
Two last views and I am out of here. Blacks in America have the greatest access to the internet(free in US public libraries). We use such to chat, find mates, view porno(another anti-family building ploy), play video games and download music/movies. The Black woman, the focal point of the family, the glue, is not thinking. It is the creation of the internet that can ressurect Black extended family in the Americas first and later tie us back into Africa. Teleconferencing on the internet weekly(, bi-weekly or monthly with one's family members nationally beats out a family reunion once every 2 or 4 years easily. Creating an easy solution to heal one's extended family, protecting the elderly and the the youth plus building an extended family wealth-building strategy/support system in a social services weakening Amertica society( Black women are you thinking? Free your minds, respect yourselves.
Finally, as an African American male, you can sit me in Africa, place high-speed internet access(DSL, WiFi) in my home(s) in Africa, get 7 African wives(differnet Afr countries/tribes) whom were born from polygamous families and step back. I will train each woman how to use the internet on a high level and their obligation to me, their husband, is this...FOREX! Each will give me 4 hours a day online(2 hours on and 10 hours off 2 hours on another 10 hours off) for 5.5 days aweek; the amount of time FOREX is open weekly worldwide. Now the 10 hours they, the wives, will be off-line, they can do what income producing trade/vocation they like. All I asks is no outside"jobs" or participation in foreign religions(christianity, islam, etc.), no cooked hair, no bleaching cremes, no pants wearing, no smoking or drinking and be home by sundown. After every 1 year, we will take a break and travel the world as a collective for 3 straight months(each wife picking about 2 weeks at her favorite location in the world, with the collective). In exchange, I guarantee, we will pass up Oprah's continually growing income/net worth within the next 10 years or less. My economic guidelines would be such: 1/4th of my women's daily income to the in-house family collective, 1/4th to herself, 1/4th to her parents-family and lastly 1/4th to her community(schools/hospitals/orphanages/Vodoun shrines).

Black women, are you thinking? To love SELF is to love God.

(Reincarnated Anlo Ewe Tribal Chief-Grandfather)

All praises to the African Gods, Goddesses, Ancestors and Spirits

Re: Would you move back to Africa or the Caribbean?

It would be irresponsible for me go home to Africa when there are so many of us in America that have needs.

Torgbui that was some very scathing remarks you made about our Woman, and pointing up Woman such as Dr. Francis Cress Welshing, Sharazad Ali and the president of Liberia dose not make what you posted any more then what your post is and that’s trash.

any thing that was positive in your post was lost in the constant belittling of our Woman
It appears to me that your only objective was to play the Big fish in the small stream and as far as a shout out I give one to every Black woman that lives and has lived in the system of white supremacy Black woman have had nothing but struggle and pain coming and going, hit from all sides by White Men, Black Men and White Woman in all areas of people activity.

Re: Would you move back to Africa or the Caribbean?

Torgbui - are you for real? You seem to have issues.

Re: Would you move back to Africa or the Caribbean?

Of course I would move to the Carribean. I am thinking about it as we speak. Africa, I truly want to visit first. That is my motherland however my signifigant other is from Jamaica and he has stronger ties there than I could ever have in Africa. I want my children to be raised with heart and soul unlike the morals of America.